Wha- What’s This???

Yay! I finally became lvl 15 in MSea! (I don’t play very much)
My friend told me why the game is so laggy and slow. No, silly Spearhog my computer isn’t slow, its because I’m so far away from the main server.

ANYWAY, I was stroling around Henesys minding my own business and out of nowhere comes this weird book-like winged monster! What is this? When did this come out? Why is it here? Is it an event monster? But it gives exp so it can’t be. I’m confused?

If you’re confused to, look at the picture I’ve uploaded.

4 thoughts on “Wha- What’s This???”

  1. It’s a new monster taht came out during server check yesterday.
    ~Happy Birthday Singapore!~

  2. Read the latest event update on link. The event involving these monsters will be on next month.

    These monsters are also sighted in ellinia.

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