Too Lazy To Make A Long Blog

Yea. . .
I’ve been through a whole ton of crap in the past 20 days.
I had so many battles with myself. . . Thinking. . . I’ve been in chronic depression. . .
Just on Thursday, my girlfriend dumped me. . .
She didn’t dump my in person. . .
Not over the phone. . .
Not even over msn. . .
She left me a note.

That was it. . . I went home. . . And I died. Not physically. I’m just, dead.
That night, I slept on the floor and cried for the first time in many many many years.

I haven’t played MapleStory in a long time, I might quit. I haven’t been on MMOT very much either, but I do visit. . .

I feel like dying.

Not many, if any at all, of you know me. . . Only a few friends here at MMOT.

You may just think of me as some loser, wimp, cry-baby. . . But I can’t help it.

Before I started going out with her. . . My life was boring. Then it got worse. It got depressing. But it slowly got better. She changed my life. My life was. . . Good. Then I find out it was all a lie. A LIE.

She never really liked me. . . Maybe she thought she did, but she lost interest. Then she lead me on to think that someone could actually like me for who I am. I was sadly wrong.

Yes, I MIGHT taking this way out of porportion, or maybe you don’t know the full story. But I’ve taken tests, I’m a 90% hypersensitivity. When I’m happy, I’m REALLY happy. When I’m depressed, I’m REALLY depressed.

When someone rips out my heart and tears it to shreds with lies. Then I’m dead. Emotionally dead.

I really gave myself entirely to her. This was my first relationship. I learned all the stages of a relationship in less than 3 weeks. . . And now it’s all over.

Life sucks.

Thanks for a lot of your support, but it’s not helping. My friends have been telling me the exact same things. But I just can’t get over the fact she lied to my face. . . She said she loved me when she really didn’t. . .
I’d like the clear up the fact that this was NOT a maple relationship, it all happened in REAL LIFE. It’s REAL pain, REAL blows to the heart. . . Not to say maple / long distance relationships aren’t real, but they’re different. If you don’t want to see them, you can just not read the emails. But in real life, you have no choice if they’re in your classes. . .
I really want to feel better. . . But I just can’t. Every time I think that maybe life will get better. . . I remember that’s the exact thing I thought before, and then it ended, and so do my happy thoughts.
I don’t know what I’m going to do anymore. . . I just hate myself for falling into this. . . And I hate myself more because I genuinely love her. With that kind of love. . . I can hate her with all my mind, but my heart just can’t stop wanting her to be happy.

15 thoughts on “Too Lazy To Make A Long Blog”

  1. The way of the Ninja, to which you committed, does not allow for suicide.

    You’re gonna live, dangit. You will find someone. Stiff upper lip, buddy.

    The Ninja might even hafta help. ;D

    If you’ve any concerns, do PM.

  2. If you decide to kill yourself, I sware I will go over there and cut off your balls saying that you don’t deserve to be a man.

    And then I’ll kill you myself.

  3. Live! LIVE!
    No, seriously, live.
    Death is not appreciated in MMO. Evil is, but death is a whole different level.
    I mean, just read those other posts above mine. They all want you to live/ be happy.
    Live, and defeat this dark cloud that hangs above your head. Wipe it off the face of the earth, and see the light of the sun (not the sky, the sun).
    I lived with a state of depression for some time, and, well, I’m barely in the teens. Sure, death has been seen by my mind, but I always pull through.

    Well, wish you luck with your depression.

  4. Well, if you’re hypersensitive, then you should be able to cheer yourself up easily.

    Just remember, you have friends and there’s lots of nice people out there.

    Anyway, if things get too out of hand there’s only one option left.

    Join the Navy!
    Join the Navy!

    And sail the seven seas!

  5. Hey I know it’s hard, But Cheer up! Please? Talk to someone, anyone, parents, teachers, FRIENDS! If your religious and believe in Go, then talk to him. If your not religous, then read the bible. I don’t want to start a flame war, but it helps. Hope you feel better. DOn’t commit suicide. It’s not cool.

  6. sapphire8 said: “Eat a waffle.
    (I’m saying this because Waffle doesn’t seem to be here to say it >_&gt

    Rew’s seriously deppressed, man.

    @ Rew: Just, hold on. Think of good things that may come your way. Think of how fortunate you are, unlike those poor children who can’t even afford to stay alive. Never look back into the past, because, that hurts too much. Stay in the future, not in the past. Plan your future!

    Expressing your feelings in writing helps also.
    Just, don’t die. . .
    I’ve never had a friend die. . .please don’t make yourself the first. . .

  7. Ah, I remember those tough days. Just look at it this way: No pain, no gain!
    You won’t get anything without having to suffer. You can’t just dodge all your hardships, that’ll get you nowhere. I should know, I’ve been in your shoes.
    Just stomach the pain and keep striving. Soon, you will find someone for you, and when the two of you realize that this was meant to be, you’ll look back on your past and be proud to say that those events made you the person you are (or will be, depending on your frame of reference).

    Don’t give up. You can never win if you don’t try. Life’s the ultimate video game. If you want to win, you better pick up that controller and try again. And just like all games, taking a short break can mean the difference between more Game Overs or finally clearing that stage.

    If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. ^_^

  8. Well, I’m sorry to hear that. *pokes* Get better soon Rew! We’re all rooting for you!

    Feel free to PM me as well, though I’ll be of no relationship help.

  9. A Life is the most precious thing you can get.
    Proberly, in few years, you’ll be happy like a sun.
    Things can change very quick!

  10. DaMunky89 said: “Well, I’m sorry to hear that. *pokes* Get better soon Rew! We’re all rooting for you!

    Feel free to PM me as well, though I’ll be of no relationship help.

    Ditto what he said im here to support you

  11. What the Ninja said. Keep moving, and move along. Maple dates are dumb. The girls freak you out. There are the special girls in maplestory that make YOU feel special. The kind of girl you went out with is a tard.

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