Remember The Good ‘ol Days?

Yea, I’m just really bored. . .

Anyone remember the good ‘ol days of MapleStory? It was great. . . There were only 3 servers (Broa, Bera, and Scania, for those of you newbies who just started recently )

You’d never see a hacker unless you went looking for them, everyone (Or, most people) were so nice. They’d help you train, and give you items!

And you could share maps, and everyone would be glad to! “Cc” wasn’t even heard of, and “noob” was only used when talking about one’s self XD

I loved the Kerning PQ’s back then! Before AC’s were so common! My now Bandit was a semi-well-known PQ leader, I used to get in all the time with no track, and just the power of nooby clicking skills XD

I guess I was just in a reminiscing kind of mood! Anyone else have any fond memories of the “good ‘ol days” in MapleStory?

15 thoughts on “Remember The Good ‘ol Days?”

  1. that was the new old days, now, the old OLD days, thats a diff story. there was 1 world, tespia. good ol days, where my mage had max energy bolt, 1.1k mp at lvl 35, 50 str, 30 dex. and 90 luk.

  2. sigh, i remember when everything started to unfold and become more complicated. NOW ITS HACK CENTRAL sigh,

  3. Yeah, now everyone is,

  4. yea, same here, i used to pq in kerning b4 ac’s were so common. i used to get my 2 friends and my bro or someone else in all the time! ^_^ now in ludi it’s like hell to click to get in -_-“

  5. yep, the good ol’ days. ^^ Back when hardly anyone used AC, hacked andwhen there were ACTUALLY GM events.

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