New Glitch? Hack? What?

What the left parenthesis is going on??
Ok, soI was on my Cleric and I was at one of Maya’s crazy house parties, there wasn’t any food and it was full of silly little noobs. I was standing outside the house dropping sacks of 1k. I was down about 20k when I decided to leave. I headed to Ellinia and bought a few town scrolls. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I decided to head to the Zombie Lupin forest to train. Still nothing out of the ordinary. Then I get a party request and I accept it and there was nobody in the party, not even the leader. Then I realized I wasn’t in the party either. Ok, maybe he disbanded the party when I changed channel. Anyway, I arrived at the Zombie Lupin tree, THIS is where the weird things (Or, weirder) start happening.

I jumped up onto the platform and killed the Lupins with my Heal. Now, I walked up to the items, and tried to pick them up, but I COULDN’T!!! So I thought, maybe someone already attacked them then left, so it was their kill. so I continued killing, and I couldn’t pick anything up! Then I watched as I killed them, and I didn’t get any exp at all! When you KS someone or kill something that was already hurt, you should still get a % of the exp! But they all had full Hp and I couldn’t recieve exp or take the drops!

This IS NOT normal lag!!! If it was normal lag, I wouldn’t be able to kill things, and so to test if it was lag, I talked in Guild. My guildmate responded, so we can communicate! Normal lag woudln’t have let me talk to people! But I was able to talk to him! THEN I wasn’t able to attack stuff! But I could still take damage!


I couldn’t change channel, but I could open windows and flip through the sections, but everything else was weird! I couldn’t take screenies either!

WHAT IS THIS??? Is this a new glitch? It can’t be lag! Is it a hack or something??

4 thoughts on “New Glitch? Hack? What?”

  1. Hmm. Maybe your computer just seized up and became a zombie. It’s probably just a freak glitch. Was it alright after you restarted?

  2. restart ur computer or maybe u got a massive glitch or virus. =/ i got a trojan virus on my computer and then 99999999999999999999 popups poped up >.> and my computer was screwed. but im a computer genius so i manual reinstalled my computer >.< but i have to download all my programs T.T

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