Well, my friend’s and I are starting to get used to the pick-up lag. Yea, because we’re so far away from the main server (or something like that) we’re kind of like, 5 seconds behind, literally. We can kill something and it will still walk around for about 3-5 seconds then it dies XD
But that gives kser 3-5 more seconds to kill it, again. Kinda fun though, how you can kill an enemy 3 times before it dies XD
**Edit: Forgot to mention to potting-lag too! THAT is EBIL! If we try to a potion, it doesn’t work until after we get like twice more! So it usually pots after we’re dead!
Anyway! With some help from SilverFx, we kinda figured out the time difference. Singapore is something like 12 hours ahead of us. Which is pretty good in terms of MapleStory, because when we play in the day time, all the Maplers are sleeping! Which means LOADS of empty maps for us to train in!
Well, the Oni Clan (my friends and I) are all level 20+ now! Yay! That means it’s time for a new Clan screenie! (First picture) And Derk and I made some more characters just to fool around with when we’re bored! OniMiz (named after my bandit from GMS, Mizutsu) and OniMebe (named after Derk’s cleric in GMS mebemage)
Well now for some… Odd… Stories! (2nd picture) I was doing Wing’s quest, and I was outside of ellinia looking for branches, and I see a lvl 12 mage, so since I was in a hurry, and he probably needed some money, I asked if he had any branches (so I could buy them) And it was a… Odd conversation…
(3rd picture) is when we all went to do Camilla’s Gem quest! It was fun! Derk was almost killed by the ribbon pigs XD But really, if you read what Camilla says at the beginning of the quest, it CLEARLY says Utah is a guy!
Ok, so anyway, once we were lvl 21, we all went to PQ! And believe it or not, with all the Kerning Channels empty (even ch 1) a lot of the pq’s were full! And not too many maplers wanted to pq with lvl 21’s (And we had to explain the whole “Oni Clan” thing a lot) Finally we met a lvl 27 Sin-to-be named “GameSIN” he was really nice! He helped us kill the ligators, and he didn’t treat us like noobs (like everyone else did…) And he got massive exp from solo’ing King Slime! We rushed all day until the maplers woke up! XD
Anyway, yesterday, GameSIN wasn’t online, so we were going through PQ’s like sick people go through kleenex… We met this one guy named “HeadShotMage” he seemed like a pro (looked like a goth guy though) And at the 4th stage we told him not to skip platforms on the Last Stage. And he of course said “ok” then, he DID! He left us to kill all the enemies while he killed King Slime! So we (I said it out loud, but the others said it in buddy) called him a noob, and he got all defensive trying to say we were noobs (at the time I was lvl 26 and the others were lvl 25) and so we finished the pq and I booted him in bonus.
So we got a new member and rushed again! Then he started whispering to me (4th picture) saying what he would say in ch 1! And THE BEST PART!!!! (Picture 5) HE SPELLED THEIR NAMES WRONG!!! IT WAS GREAT! BRILLIANT! WE LAUGHED SO HARD!!! So we just kept rushing all day!
**Edit: Oh yea, I also forgot to say that MSea slang is REALLY weird compared to GMS, they always sai “la” or “le” or “liao” or something. It’s probably part of their grammar or something, but they weird things like “ldr” for “leader” or “pt” for “party”
And, they go to Kerning ch 1 and say “looking for gf! Must be lower level than me” or something! o.O
Well, that’s enough blogging for now XD My fingers hurt from typing (my hands are cold) So I’m gonna go log on OniMiz and see how far I can get him! Bye Bye! Thanks for reading~!
“la” is like chinese and stuff its used at the end of a sentence and Msea must b fun if u can PQ till all the maplers wake up o.O i should go try it sometimes
It’s Singlish. Singlish is like that lah.

Lucky you. :/ I wish I could play at night. But my mother has threaten (and no doubt, will carry out the threat) to smash the computer if she catches me playing when I’m supposed to sleep.
Sometimes, it’s awesome being in a COMPLETELY different time zone as where the game is based. THATS WHY I WANNA BE IN GLOBAL! but i love SEA more <3
Singlish kicks butt <3 [Even tho im not singaporean]
Smash the com? My dad smashes the keyboard^^