KS WAR At Mix Golems! YEA!

YEA! So much fun!

I was running around Henesys killing snails and stuff, and I was really bored! So I asked people if they wanted to go to Mix Golems with me, and I met Asasin4L1F3. So we ran over to the Golems and killed them for a bit. And when we got to the Mix Golems there was a Hunter already there, who was part of the GameFaqs Guild. (Aren’t they well known around Broa or whatever?)

But we minded our own business, killind the ones that weren’t already being slaughtered. Then suddenly out of nowhere the DivineSteel Guild runs in and starts beating the crap outta everything! It got really chaotic until someone stopped and shouted “KS WAR!”

It had begun! Dun dun dunnnn!

So then the Hunter called in another CrossBowMan guy and everyone was killing everything! We were getting OWNED! Until. . .
A little message popped up. . .
A familiar message. . .
My FAVOURITE thing to see. . .
It said:
“Jaq13 has logged in”



But only Jaq came XD

But he was the highest level player here and was killing them in like 2 hits! So there real match began!

But then DivineSteel left. . .

And GameFaqs just kinda slowed down or whatever. . . So we declared victory! They were talking about teamed guild or whateverm and Jaq agreed!

So now WAITT and GameFaqs are allied guilds! Yay!

(Btw, WAITT was a name that Jaq made up a loonnggg time ago, it stands for “We Are In This Together” and the guild is made entirely of close friends so we can all help eachother!)

9 thoughts on “KS WAR At Mix Golems! YEA!”

  1. omg! that’s me, my bro, and my friends! i’m evilshurikan (look my id up if u want) my bro is chromeclone in the bottom right and ken1235 clericoflyte are my friends! XD

    i forgot how it started, but i think my bro started yelling KS WAR !

    and then we had so much fun ^_^

    EDIT: o yea, we left cause we initially made up a game at the golems called infiltrate the base, lol

    if anyone wants to know how to play, pm me! ^_^

    EDIT: that actually wasn’t a war, me, my bro and friends were playing a game that my bro made up called infiltrate the base, lol!

    and my bro started the “ks war” cause he was bored.

    we left to cc cause we “won” the game and were off to a new ch to play again.

  2. pffbt, the computer loads the pictures so slowly, I lost the patience waiting for them. But anyway, KS wars are always fun, especially when you’re winning XD

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