Yup yup! That’s right! I’m back!
*Listens to sound of nobody caring*
It’s been a loooonnggg time since I last logged on MMOT! It’s a long story, but I shall share it with all of you, because I have nothing better to do. . . Except homework. . . And other important tasks. . .
Anyway. . . To those of you who have my msn, you may have noticed the me-not-online-ness! Why?
It was all the work of. . . The Virus Of Ebilness! (Win32 or something like that)
It really sucks. . . I can’t change my settings or preferences, and NONE of my programs work, like msn, limewire, windows media player, flash player even the recycle bin o.O . . . However, for some odd reason, the only programs that work are MapleStory and Internet Explorer (Which is INSANELY slowed down. . . 5 minutes just to get from my desktop to google. . .)
But with the time I set aside for MMOT being crushed by the slowness of the internet (Which is still insanely slow as I’m typing) I went on a massive mapling spree! Grinding every chance I get!
At level 58, I grinded all day with my super cool 76 M.Att Thorns! It started with 72 M.Att, and 2/3 60%’s worked. . .
And I’m finally lvl 59!!! Yippee! 1 more level and I’ll look soooooo cool!
During that time, I also when to Zakum with Jaq! (The coolest most awesome Assassin) When we went to Zakum, I was lvl 58, and he was lvl 62. But he also leveled over the weekend so he’s now lvl 63!
The first stage was HARD! We (Mainly me. . . Wait, no, just me) had no clue what to do besides collect keys. So we ran around hoping for the keys to drop, and at the same time collecting papers and pots.
But that wasn’t why it was hard. . . Oh, no, that was the easy part. . . What was hard were the 4 outcomes of hitting a chest (Not the rocks, the rocks were perfectly safe) The 4 outcomes were:
1)They’d drop a key
2)They’d summon mimics
3)They’d send you to the beginning
4)They’d send you to the TITLE SCREEN!!! RAWR!!
For some reason, when I would hit a chest, there was a chance that I would disconnect! So even if we had 6/7 keys, and were were just about to get the last key, I would DISCONNECT when I hit a chest! Even Jaq would disconnect when he hit chests (Not as much as I did though) So I hit all the rocks, and he hit all the chests.
The jump quest was really hard! It took Jaq over 2 hours! (I won’t say how long it took me )
I also had fun in the Free Market!
When I do my homework I sit in the FM, and I can meet all the funny people passing through. There was one girl QAzNiZ or something close to that, who was in there for over 6 hours! She was in there before I came, and she passed by us when we were training at Coolies!
I also bought all my lvl 60 stuff! But I made some stupid choices. . . I bought Green GoldRunners for 500k. . . then I found Blue GoldRunners (Much better) for only 450k! So I bought those too! THEN I found THE SAME shoes for 350k! Waaaa!
I also bought an 86 M.Att Evil Wings for 2mil!!!!!!! 86 M.ATT! But. . . It was spur of the moment, and he said it was a great deal because they’re always sold for like 5mil-50mil depending on the stats or scrolling. . . And about scrolling. . . We later found out, the staff was 1 M.Att below average, and he had just 100%’d it 7 times. . .
I also bought lvl 60 gloves (Dark Manute) for 650k (1 Def below average) because the only average one I could find was 1.3mil. . .
AND I had an above average Black Anakamoon, which I traded for with a Blue Anakamoon and 150k, then I bought and above above average White Anakamoon (What I was looking for in the first place, but got the Black instead)
So now I need to sell an above average Black Anakamoon, and a pair of Green GoldRunners. . .
Another side story: My friend came over, and he’s really pro, and he let me play on his LEVEL 100 ICE/LIT MAGE!!! It was so cool! 9500 damage! AMAZING!
Other than that. . .
I have lots of cool info to share too!
With the recent patch that came out, DupeX (Vac hack) is patched! Which means a nice drop in hacker counts! Problem is there are still other vac hacks like cseax and others I shall not name so as not to give any of those little kiddies roaming MMOT ideas =P
Also about hacks, I learned that roughly 75% of maplers that meet a vaccer, will ask for either:
-Where they got the hacks
-If they will train/level/vac for them
-For various addresses*
And only roughly 25% will report/defame!
*Addresses are basically serial codes for different terms used in the games programming. Like for example, you want to -10 Hp when “x” object meets “y” object you do all the programming, and that phrase or whatever is recorded in a certain part of the games code. What Cheat Engines do, is attach to the programming of the game, and alter those codes by going to the address, and either changing, removing, replacing with fake code, or stopping it from doing what it should.
Well, sorry if that was REALLY long, but I haven’t been here for a while and I had lots to tell! And if you’re wondering why I know so much about all that hacking and patching other tidbits of info, it’s all info I’ve gotten from people who are connected to the game like GMs or people who know about programming.
Welcome back.
All I got from the address thing was the X and Y. Well, not really. I understand all of it. Sorta.
Anyway, WB.
And yes, Zakum 1st PQ has gotten more annoying due to the D/C thing with the chests. Even I D/C, and I’m a lvl 103 mage.
Yaaaaaaay. Welcome back!
The virus is obviously a sign from the Maple gods, telling you that you need to play more. Ahem. The first thing I thought when I read the paragraph about addresses was, “And what does daddy do all day?. . ” It’s a good thing you had that last paragraph in there.
Whoooooooooot! Heya Rew! =D I thought you’d ditched me when you didn’t come on msn anymore.
Congrats on the leveling, and Jaq is mine! <3 
Welcome back

Welcome back REW! WOOT! ^_^
I tried to read hacking stuffies, but then fell asleep. Seriously, it’s even more boring than Science. I’d rather talk and NOT train XD. Training is borrinnnggg, and yeah.
@ Ezyan: yooh got compitition from Indigo XD.
Yea, talking is better than training, i’m seriously sick of maple. And well, hi. I don’t really know you. But i guess I do now^^ Welcome back then.
<3 You is back!
woot woot! oh, your finally back.
and congrats on leveling!
y were u training at slimes
the screenies really want me to continue my mage even tho his int is like, 30 behind
my medi will cover it,