Your God is calling

Your tears are falling
Your head’s exploding
I can’t save you!
*air guitars*

Bonus tracks+Ozzy=Godly.

*REPOST* Since I contacted them and told them pictures were broken, and they are now fixed, YOU MAY THANK ME WITH SMEX.

Anyhow, well, I saw what Kitten did, so I copy-catted her, and this is of me, I did it with a, Uh, prettier pic this time around.

There’s me selling all my level 50 armor, I’ll miss it, that guy got quite the deal considering it all had maxed 100%s, and the shoes had a 60% shoe speed on them.

Zipangu is gorgeous, but one minor detail, do those things not sound like some people need to be arrested for CP at Wizet? Wow, money shot Raccoons open wide. =D

Me almost dying like a DUMBASS, God, I ran out of those, soda pop things at a truly terrible time.

I got to level 61, my plans to hit level 65 in the next two weeks might come true, we’ll have to see, the fourth pic is of that magical moment.(I love the new drakes, the Ice ones have a cool ass sound) FOUR MOAR until I can use my Goblin thing.

Now for talking, Zipangu is great, I think it’s my new AFK spot, the one right past town, so nice and pretty right there. I dumped a few million on some newbies for kicks, and the FM, it was unbelievably amusing for being so simple. I must have dropped about four million meso, being chased by every dingus imaginable. I think I’m going to use my next round of tickets(Whenever they happen) on the new Gachapon, since my friend got quite a few cool things from it, though the Sleepywood one has been good to me.

The Sakura Garden quest is still broken, and not a soul out there will Super Megaphone a GM about it, since they still haven’t fixed it, I can’t complete the quest, period. The new Zipangu quests, by the way, those suck, the KFT quests were way better, the Goblin quest was really cool and inventive too.

Uh, some random person defamed me, they were just walking by, called me a “nub” and defamed me, isn’t that the weirdest thing? Two people famed me out of nowhere, you know, I have to say, no one really knows what my bandanna means anymore, everyone keeps asking to buy it or see it, and they don’t know what a “Beta” is. I feel incredibly old having played so long, I guess that’s all for the moment, u hv fun nao.

8 thoughts on “Your God is calling”

  1. I need advice for training to 50 on a Page. I try to PQ a lot, but almost no one accepts me.

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