Yo listen up

Here’s a story


So anyway, I hit level 62, woo, yay, all of that exciting crap, most importantly, I hate NLC, I think it’s junk, next up, this long, long ass story.

Well, I’ve learned over the course of three years, teenage Asian females are highly unpleasant by and large, and the two of us do not get along outside of Thailand. I’ll give you the whole fascinating story, I suppose, so I change channels into FM 18, I think it was channel eleven, three mages are up top, I move toward the door, they teleport down, make weird faces. “Oh can you cc??” over and over in a few different varieties, I of course, stop, and turn around.

I consider why they, three females, with very obviously asianish names, would want a FM all to themselves, and I come up with a little quip.

“I’ve interrupted one of those…”
“What do you call them?”
“Lesiban Orgies, my mistake.”

I leave without another word, I stand, waiting for my basil trader to come on, I might add he was so busy screwing around it took a while to trade, one of them, the ring leader, she whispers me, insults me, all of that nonsense. I pay her little mind, I eventually tell her to Shoo(TAF Teenage Asian Female Tip UNO: A lack of attention makes them even more angry), she becomes angry. I won’t list the insults for sake of banning, but they were the typical fodder, nothing intelligent, she disables her whispers, keeps it up. I blacklist her, now thoroughly annoyed, go back to her, defame her, walk off to the FM and resume waiting.

Almost immediately I’m hit with two defames, not from her, but by the looks of if the a-typically whipped Asian male ass kissers, I turn, she approaches, people spawn around me, three or four, I realize I’m about to get my ass kicked ala Mad-Eye Moody, I CC out of there.

They chase me, but I’m a master, I recognize my foe simply by their drop and approach, I CC, jump towns, everything, I’m untouched, I hit the level 60 Jump Quest, they can’t pursue for lack of coordination and level, I log off, hit my character in Ludi, and defame the ring leader. I inform her we are now even, and if she pursues me, I’ll report her for harassment with all of my characters, which will of course do nothing.

You know I’ve only ever been challenged once while being pursued, I was in my thirties, I was in Ludi, these two girls were rude to me(Asian females, natch), eventually defamed me, I up and defamed her, they chased me to hell and back. All over Ludi, CCing like mad, no defames touched me, their friends joined in, it became a hunched-over-keyboard-sweating affair, and finally, it just stopped. She and her friend trapped me between floors, and apologized for being so mean. We chatted in a friendly, but awkward manner, and then they departed, the hell was that? I think it was some kind of respect for my ability to flee and avoid, weird thing to respect amirite?

*Remake* Sweet criminy, I had to DELETE the blog to get rid of a comment, calling me a coward, and a racist, which turned out to be a misunderstanding. Well here’s a tip to everyone else, my fame was earned, losing it to an ignorant teenager is not prime gaming real estate for me, so indeed I will run. As for racism, Lord, if anything I have a favoritism towards Asians, just not the teenage female variety, I.E., the worst of the population, not to mention a black best friend of five years.

That was just not necessary.

3 thoughts on “Yo listen up”

  1. Hmph. I have a few more months as an Asian teenager of the female variety. >>;

    But yeah, even I can’t stand my fellow players on the SEA server sometimes. *shrugs*

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