Thanks to whatever jerk got the last one deleted for no reason, reporting things on a blog, get a life, third time with different wording –
Got what the kids called World of Warcraft, there has been no greater frustration than flight paths, flying from Splintertree Post to Sun Rock Retreat is a wonderful example, when it could fly you just over the mountains it instead takes you up the whole length of Ashenvale, twirls you around, takes detours, then goes all the way around to the very top of Stonetalon Mountains, and – get this – goes OVER the mountains, then flies you alllllllll the way south, way down there, to Sun Rock Retreat.
Look, I even made you a little picture, see the pink line? That’s the “flamboyant” path it takes you through, that thing takes about 15 minutes, I feel like I’m playing MapleStory again waiting for the totally unnecessary boat, the black line represents just how much faster that COULD be.
You know, the overall experience with WoW has been very positive, most of all the GMs, my previous MMO MapleStory was ruined by corrupt GMs, and on WoW, they give a damn(oh noz a curse has offended my sensitive preteen female ears, REPORT), they fix things, they respond, you can get in touch with them, and best of all they have ZERO content control.
I may post more crap about WoW in the future, as it is I’m more interested in fishing my virtual pet turtle(Bowser, get it? Yeah.) some food so he’ll stop being all Linkin Park.
Being all “Linkin Park” !?
Don’t you be dissin’ my tunes, homeslice D:<
Lawlz. I’m the only one who could’ve deleted your blog, but I don’t keep track of which ones I do. But there’s only one of three reasons:
1.) It’s not MMO-related.
2.) It was too short.
3.) It had curse words.
Keep on those boundaries, and you’re good. Better luck in the future. <3
I’m not dissing your emo music! I’m merely confirming the fact that it is passionately emo.
Nope, had none of those, so someone screwed up twice in a row I imagine, let’s give whoever they are an automatic GG.
What’s a GG. . .? Hmm.
But there aren’t really automatic bans on this site, not without cussing involved. <3 I probably had my reasons, if I remember the blog.
(P.S: If it caused too much drama, I might’ve also own’d it, because drama is bad. ^^)
Well, I really don’t get why some people think that Linkin Park is emo. When I confront someone about it, they respond “well they sing about their emotions”.
Uh huh. Like every single band in the universe? Yes, wonderful argument. Even classical composers wrote songs conveying their emotions. But you don’t hear anyone calling “Pavane for a Dead Princess” emo.
Linkin Park isn’t emo, because when I listen to them I don’t want to smash the radio up with a bat.
No, it’s because they whine incessantly about things that shouldn’t of mattered to them beyond the age of fourteen, that’s why they’re emo, singing about emotions you experience is fine, it’s what makes powerful music. Whining and blaming others on the other hand is not, it sucks, and that’s emo, that is why Linkin Park is quite possibly the most well known band that is also extremely emo.
You know, come to think of it the blog had a censored **** curse word, which I’m sure is enough for a site like this.
Twerp. Maybe you should educate yourself before overabusing a term that no one really understands at all (haha get it? Emo is emo because no one understand it, interesting). Linkin park is not the genre emo. Complete ignorance from people just like you is what spawned emo, a.k.a. ‘Post Punk Emotive Core’.
Ever been playing a game and called a noob once? Then you should know exatly what I’m saying. Someone who has known you for a few seconds slaps the noob label on you for something that might have been an honest mistake or misjudgement on their part. Exactly what silly people like you do to mainstream bands every day, just because the lyrics are not to your particular taste.
So you are merely interpreting the music as you see and feel it. Every band has people who enjoy it or hate it. But do the world a favor and keep those opinions locked inside that clustered adolescent brain of yours, and keep them away from MMOT.
(Mip better get here and tell me to shut my mouth, or I’m gonna get temp banned for agression
-Takes deep breaths-
Are you okey, Revrant? Mip, as she said, had her reasons for deleting your blog. She never senselessly deletes blog’s for her own reasons. When a blog breaks the rules of the website, it gets deleted! YAY! ^_^
It’s for the good of the MMOTales community, really. And why are we even discussing our points of view on music? 0_O”
– Little preacher man.
Because you told me to
Thank you Dest D:
EDIT: Lefi~ It began when he proved himself to be a complete idiot.
Oh, now that wasn’t nice. T.T
– Little preacher man.
*applauds Vicelin*
*applauds self for applauding Ganzicus for applauding Vicelin*
All hail Vicelin. o.o;;
Lord, don’t pull rhetorical crap on me, keep that in Politics, thank you, I made the extremely clear distinction that Linkin Park, wait, it is in fact directly above my head, let me copy and paste it for you. “Linkin Park is quite possibly the most well known band that is also extremely emo” note “also” extremely emo, not defining them as an “emo” band, get some reading comprehension miss preteen drama queen.
That noob nonsense is entirely irrelevant, people called me “noob” all the time on MapleStory, it’s a vague, meaningless insult preteen idiots use for lack of intellectual capacity. Mainstream bands? I have no issue with mainstream bands, I do have an issue with music that whines and complains constantly, and is so gratingly emotional and blaming that it makes me want to deck the next person I see in a Linkin Park hoodie they got from Hot Topic.
Well missy, I hate to inform you but I’m quite a bit older than you appear to believe, you seem to believe I’m, what exactly? One of those fourteen year old Slipknot fans who hates everything mainstream? Looks like you’re the one who needs to keep your opinions(which are what started this mess) locked inside your – regardless of age – adolescent brain. There is no “lost in translation” here, Linkin Park sings about things not only strongly associated with emo culture, but also manage to contain lyrics that scream “I cut myself”, being sad, whiny, and annoying, which was actually the perfect analogy for my pet being sad from lack of sustenance, don’t you think? =)
*Edit* So no one got the whole pairing “Wow.” with the commonly used acronym WoW? No one?