
link Just look at that bull****, let me tell you, look up that person’s main, it’s banned obviously, I never knew, I buddied it, I waited up all day, for a WEEK, and messaged this person on basil FIVE, FIVE, Count ’em FIVE times.

*edit* Well they edited their name out, AFTER screwing me over. *edit* So I figure I should try the other one they said to NEVER CONTACT, what happens? Not on, with less than an hour left I leave a neutral feedback, I come back, I receive a NEGATIVE for “never on”, What the **** is that?! NEVER respond to my messages NEVER on, even lent the scroll to my friend, who it belongs to and doesn’t have a basil which is why I was even selling it, since he’s up much later than I am to keep a CONSTANT VIGIL for this person.

Negative. “never on”, oh, the kicker? I log on, I search for the name to NEVER contact, it’s on! They’re there, what do they tell me? The name was banned, NO, NO excuse for not returning my mails, bans me from their shop after trying to get me to sell them the scroll, I tell them I’m going to be highly unpleasant if they don’t fix what they have done.

Well they agree to leaving positives on a new auction, and apologizing, my aforementioned friend logs on, in HALF, the time stated, this person isn’t doing anything but leaving their shop open and going AFK, he gets on, the trade goes seamlessly. I ask why they were never on this one either, they state they were never on due to school, well alright, it’s over with.

I leave a positive, what happens? Oh boy, you nailed it, NEUTRAL, “takes FOREVER had to wait 30minutes for him to sign on”, what a freaking PRICK, I’m as understanding as can be during this whole calamity, and they pull that on me, so they lied, were banned, never even TRIED to get in touch, never returned my mails despite obviously being online, blew me off, left me a negative after THEY were the ones at fault…Jesus, does a person get any more WRONG or would the universe simply implode in on itself?

God dammit.

8 thoughts on “Ugh”

  1. Doubtful, I had HARD EVIDENCE the person was a scamming ***hole and it took three reports over two weeks to get the feedback removed, that was back when I joined.

  2. Oh, my gosh. I feel for you. -hug-

    I met some really, REALLY spiffy people on basilmarket, but that was a long time ago. DD:

  3. Apparently, I’m extremely fortunate, because so far, I’ve met NO JERKS on basil. But that, as aforementioned, was a while ago.

  4. Annikabelle said: “Basil is god’s biggest mistake.”

    Shouldn’t it be MrBasil’s biggest mistake? D:

    Unless he’s God… ;O

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