No, not really, just a god, I’m not one for fits of egotistical ass smacking…But.
Thank you, thank you, moving along, likely the last time I will ever lead a PQ, and one of the very, very few times(We’re talking a handful) that I’ve ever lead, and that happens.
So this guy and I, we’re dealing with this idiot of a leader, he jumps around, CCs a lot, doesn’t listen to you, doesn’t really talk at all, obviously a diplick. The other guy in the party is very nice, obviously from the UK by his spelling, highly literate, I ask him if he’d like to reform, he says yes, we get two members, I just blindly get into a PQ.
Well all goes well, no one is stupid, no one is rude, everyone helps each other, lots of chatting, it just goes amazingly, I sigh and think to myself, “This is too much fun to last.” and I suspect we’ll miss and the party will bust apart.
There they are, first picture, my perfect little party, every single person in that party leveled under me, how could they not after about 15 PQs until I got new members? Snoopie there got two and a half, but that brings me to another thought, what the hell is with dumping newbies? You were a newbie, you sucked at PQ once, you were neglected, so why do you turn around and treat newbies like that? Same thing as being an immense fatass and then, after getting thin, mocking fat people openly.
Anywho, we PQ’d, a lot, we didn’t rush, I’m the most hellishly legit person you’ll come across, I won’t even scam people or steal from them, which is another thing, this guy dropped his maple stars like a dumbass, and this guy vacced them, despite his stupid decision, I reported and defamed that guy four times over. He logged right off and when he logged back on, he went into hiding, wise decision, hacking scum.
Sidetracked again, so we PQ’d, it was great, amazing, people left, new people came, I remained the leader, I’m a very easy going person, I find it easy to get along with people if they’re not out to harm you somehow, and I think that supports another cool thing I noticed, the leader’s attitude is eventually reflected in the party, if the leader is an ignorant prick who spouts off “noob” the party will eventually collapse under it’s own ego, dissent will rise, and much like Rome, will come crashing to the ground.
My party never had a single dissenting voice, no arguing, no infighting, jokes were had, it was fun, so we PQ’d a lot, in the teens I got pretty high on myself I have to admit, I felt like Joe “YEAH, COME ON, LETS GET IT ON, LET’S’DO’IT’AWRIGHT.” or something, but it got scary.
Not because of the other members, but when I was in the early 20s of PQing, I had made competitive enemies, people were out there for the sole purpose of dismounting me from this channel, at one point there were five or six parties, and I kept beating them, and I knew these people wanted to just beat me in. Well, they spammed-out two members, on two occasions, and I turned off all my invites and such in the teens, which I’m sure was a wise decision.
Next picture, this guy hit 31 in the PQ, and wanted to solo slime next time, he didn’t know he had to stop PQing, it was mildly adorable, and he gave us no problems after he accepted it, again, discourse could have ensued, but no, only pleasantries.
Next one, me being a smart ass, yeah, it’s a revelation, so what? Wanna fight about it?
And finally, me bowing out for my sister’s birthday cookout, thanking everyone for coming, after realizing I was the leader, people spouted off “pro” and “nub” left and right, I can’t say I ever felt “famous” but that’s as close as I’m gonna get, on a videogame played by teenagers.
The last pic, a sentimental picture which captures the experience quite well, we celebrated our 20th PQ, the last PQ with an original member, cake was served, it was quite good. *adjusts monocle*
In summary: This is everything a PQ should be, everything opposite to this, and everything I’ve ever complained about, are exactly what a PQ should never be, but almost always is.
Thank you and good night.
Wow, if you could do that in GMS, in MSEA, you could do 4x+ times consecutively, cause no one’s on. =]
Lol at night time in Khaini all you gotta do is pq. . . you never get tracked and you can rush like there’s no tomorrow. . . until it’s time to go to sleep of course
Edit: yes this is GMS
lol, i was on SCANIA when i was god
good times. it was like, nice okay party, occasional idiot who thinks he’s all that, but i keep rushing and stuff. dunno how much pqs i did, think it was like, around 5-6 per hour, then i did that in broa, about like, 14 in two hours, but i can’t go over two hours. i remember one time when my parents when to texas. pqed like GOD for four hours straight w/ only my grandma and sister home. never missed 
too bad pq is for jerks now. they make acs, stuff like that.
LOL 26 PQ’s in a row! NICE XD

The best PQ party I got, we only managed to rush like, 3 times in a row.
And can you imagine how many ACing hacking scum missed versus my simple click and enter combo? Snap.
your such a cool leader. if your PQ’s are so un-noobishlike, i wish i could PQ with you T___T
Can’t, I’m already almost 33, so Yuliht is about to get dumped.