Like that header? Black Rain baby.
God there’s a whole freaking timeline to consider here, I’ve been hard leveling Yuliht, you know, Sins and Claw Thieves need to stfu, and they need to stfu before the need to stfu actually arises.
What I propose, is just that, a preemptive stfu, a stfu to preempt the need to stfu.
Why? You bastages sure have it easy, I mean holy Crap do you have it easy, I leveled from 1-27 within the span of like two days, as a Warrior, or a Bandit to be, that was AGONIZING, missing Neckis, unable to quest, all sorts of crap, the moment I strapped on a Claw, easy PQing, questing is cake, rewards come fast, actually fighting is painless.
Turn, button, die, turn, button, die, repeat ten billion times.
Now I see why everyone is a sin! It’s the freckin’ easiest class in the game from all fronts! There aren’t any negatives aside from price, but we all know being a scroll scammer negates that, talk about freaking easy street, gawl, I have to smack every sin I see complain from now on, I’m freaking obligated, man.
What else, after this I return to Revrant and level him to 60, at which point I expect I’ll lose interest in the game again and go on another hiatus until I can stand the idea of OPQ with idiots.
You know, after KPQing just now, I have to ponder, why do people so ill suited for leadership seek to be leaders? They just NEED to be leaders, they’ll fight with the party, fight with the leader, leave a good PQ and ruin it, they just have this leadership desire that can’t be mellowed. The crazy thing is, almost everyone who really WANTS to lead with all their being? Horrible leaders, no leadership qualities, usually they’re good at what they do, clicking, but beyond that, obnoxious, egotistical, crude, aggressive. They remind me of politics, few politicians get into politics to help people, which is why it’s there, fascinating.
I got into a guild, which you’ll see, I hate guilds, no chat filter, and this one is just inactive enough to make it sufferable, and it has people with my Uh, interests.
Anywho, pictures:
First: Me being a jackass with my friend here in Michigan who I let on to help me with something(One of two people I would EVER consider letting on my account)
Second: More Jackassery. ;D
Third: This guy, we got to the puzzles, all THREE, he guessed the exact combinations for every single, ****ing one, without fail, we named him Hacker Jesus, and he Loves, he doesn’t fight.
Fourth: “LooJedi” I told him “Be one with the Toilet side of the Force” and no one got it, fail.
Fifth: Idiot XD
*points angry Revrant in the way of Imppala and assorted ‘Sins*
That’s why there are so many kids that play ‘Sins too.
I’m a Banditsin, does that count?
An UNFUNDED Banditsin.
omg ur a gm? im nt nub, mes0s pliz
omgg gm! bless nao pl0x!11!Buff!summon zkum pl0xlolzz!@ iwan be gm 2 lolz
Spam is good for you .
i am unfunded bandit D;
does that make me evil?
and many people say i am a good leader and always want to PQ with me.
but i always end up with stupid jack@ss PQ’ers who think you can just PQ whenever you want -__-
i was playing flyff when some noobie waddles up to me and says, “hav peakyrind?”
I say no, and he waddles away
i was playing flyff when some noobie waddles up to me and says, “hav peakyrind?”
I say no, and he waddles away
That made me laugh. I can imagine a noob as a stupid penguin.
Last SS made me LOL.
And ya, it’s true that it’s hard to find someone in MS that actually possesses human-like qualities. Well, the good ones, anyway. However, fear not. There are a couple few of us that know what the hell is going on and use our brains. Hooray! The world isn’t that screwed! Yet!
Lmao, “Spamming isn’t annoying!”
Nice screenies.
Bastage is plural, no need for the ‘s’ at the end.
Arr Oh Eff Ell