But your soul could not be found!
Doesn’t matter what you say, ’cause your disease is in me!
Ahhh, well, I’m enjoying level 62, some guy walked up to me and went “omg i sel u 8 atk dark clench 5m?” and so I said “I dunno.”, and “reluctantly” bought it. He sold me an eight attack dark clench for practically nothing! That paired with my still-new 97 attack The Blessing brings me up to 3568 or so.
Sweet asses.
This post is mainly for pictures, I forgot about the whole, posting them thing, been gone so long. I think I’d like to put a little cash into Gachapon, I’ve spent so much money lately, I’m at almost a quarter of my once grand fortune. On the upside I’m trying to buy those new bandanas, I place no value on their speed or luck or whatever, I just think they’re freggin’ handsome.
Picture 1: My friend returns from her month long visit to China, doesn’t believe it’s me considering all of who deleted her during that time, and I quip with yet another spin on my trademark joke between the two of us.
PICTURE TWO: I can’t help it, I’m just that easily amused.
Picture three: My friend dying after seeing me take on one of those spiders, and he’s right, it was EPIC.
FOU’: The answer, after all this time, to THE ULTIMATE MEME, u have 2 have a gun 2 shot.
FIVE: He didn’t get the hint, i wish i culd shot him.
And I ran into a guy called “ImFlamin” just now, I actually resisted, it was difficult, and he even went “wut?”, but I did it.
*Throws confetti at your face* Nice! XD
Good luck on the bandanna quest.
LAWL MEESHWASHERE <333 cool best PQ buddy
Too bad Ludi PQ sucks.
wassup with the big armchair? cash items? =.=?
Warrior’s throne. A hard and glorious goal for everyone.
And it’s mine, ALL MINE.
Getting it is so hard, I’m level 121 and it took me 2 days : (5 hours every day) to get it, . . , . .
Warrior throne what? *squints* Looks like my granny’s armchair. XD
Love the SSes~
Indeed, I got it in four, and that was playing in the AM hours all morning long, agonizing.
Indeed, it looks like an antique chair.
Love ‘dat ass~