Why jealous of hackers?

My last blog was “Why hate Hackers?”

I gathered that in the end, It’s all about being the best.

WHye be the best? Whye not play at your own pace? Whye be jealous?

Thank you.

11 thoughts on “Why jealous of hackers?”

  1. Meh, that isn’t the reason I hate hackers. I guess, they take up space. For example, it’s virtually impossible to train at Mushroom Garden at Khaini any more because of them.

  2. i dun think neones jealous, just frustrated that we cant train w/o having our items vacced and all monster on maps getting pwned (is that da meaning of jealous? o_o)

    -giggles in corner-

  3. I don’t really care too much about em
    they just annoy me when they take away precious map waaa
    other than that i think they are fine
    unless they are mean lol

  4. Not jealous at all. The only time I’m jealous is when I’ve just bombed my equipment. Then I start thinking about scroll hacks -.-

    [I’ll NEVER use scroll hack,however much I want to]

  5. Most maplers aren’t really jealous of hackers. Its just that they tend to screw up other people’s training, the economy, and the general mapling experience. This tends to piss people off.

  6. I don’t think anyone is jealous of hackers. Unless you want to be a hacker, but you can’t seem to do it.

  7. I don’t think ANYONE could be Jealous of hacker, I mean. Its just annoying how one can ruin a place in a channel. All it will take are 20 vaccers, and the entire server could be devoid of that room,

  8. -____-

    For every hacker-less slime tree channel, there are three hacked ones. Mushroom garden is worse, and in the ant tunnel – let’s not even talk about that, okay? -_-

    There are other places, but I’m playing a level 15 warrior currently so naturally I find hackers in low-level places.

    Besides, there aren’t really many hackers at the places where a level 49 trains. Somehow.

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