My life – Entry 6

Deer Diary ,

I MUST . I MUST . I MUST BE GOING CRAZY . What is wrong with me ? Why did I say my mother died ? I should know that when we die , we get revied for an amount of money . Why did I say she was dead and all that rubbish ? Something must be wrong with me . Because . . . I ate lots of food today . I think I ‘ m influenced by that game ‘ Earth ‘ . AND Miss Annikabelle has once again told me not to step n soil as the soil is protected by MP [ Mud People : DD ] FFTW [ Floors For The Win ] SHE [ Soil Housing Estates ] .

Today was a werid day , on the phone , the answering machine . It said – Dear Mr Maple , would like to know more about your live experiments . Yours truthlly , Thera .

I think I can feel muscles on me . =D More training on . . . I ran out . . . I choose . . . Stones and water . How would you like that Miss Annikabelle .



I just did something funny . I duno how , but I think I clicked the ‘I like’ button twice . The yellow ( kinda ) highlight sign came out : You already told us . x)

AND ONMYBLUEGOD . I just realised I forgot to put the date for Entry 4 & 5 & 6 . Just remembered . =DD I hope you understand the plot .

9 thoughts on “My life – Entry 6”

  1. Annikabelle said: “Stones and water are important .

    Stones are for whacking .

    Water > Drinking .


    You didnt say anything about protection . So . . . I’ll carry on .

  2. ORLY ?

    Sticks > WPW [Wood People Win] FP [Forest People] STT [Save The Trees!]

    Water > SA [Starvation Army] DD [Dehydration Doctors] CWG [Conserve Water Group]



    You are going to peel a million oranges, then eat a few thousand slimes RAW!

    Hehhhhhhhhhhhhh .

  3. My oranges are thriving!

    My trees are growing!

    My insanity is getting more complicated~!


  4. Annikabelle said: “My oranges are thriving!

    My trees are growing!

    My insanity is getting more complicated~!

    YAYZORS .”

    Sounds like a song .

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