Maple cant ruin your life

First of all, I’m NOT insulting maple. Have or has anyone realised that more and more people are having problems (in real life) Because of maple?

Case 1:
It’s like A is B’s best friend in real life. They share accounts. Later: B finds out that A is a hacker. Then they quarrel over it. Soon they ignore each other. They become from best friends to worst enemies.

Case 2:
A is B’s boyfriend. A is like a hacker. B finds out, get angry and they break up, blah blah blah.

Please people, maple IS a game, and shall remain a game. Why do people care if there are hackers? Mainly because that they are jealous… Why care? Scammers should be the one that people are focusing on. Why do I say that? Because scammers scam you! They cheat you and so on. Maple is a game; I sincerely hope that no one (well anymore) will have problems in real life because of it. Don’t let a game ruin your life… Flame on, I would love to argue with you ^^

Please don’t let it ruin your life…
EDIT: Or maybe and over obession of the game(Thanks Sirsolo)

11 thoughts on “Maple cant ruin your life”

  1. Nah this is kinda like how me and my best friend was on runscape if any of you ever played it there are no hacks but we would always level like crazy and would get mad @ the other got from a drop or friend but nah in real life we stayed true friends till the end and we don’t really care about how the others doing on the game we just ask each other for stuff and pay them back when we have the money, but i think MS should be the same way but, lazy people had to invent the dam hacks, so it is different in a way but still it’s just a game, BUT IN THE END ME AND MY FRIEND NOTICED THAT WE WOULD OF NEVER GOTTEN TO THE LEVELS WE ARE NOW WITH OUT THE OTHER’S ENCOURAGEMENT/BRAGGING ON THE LEVEL THEY GOT 😀 AND THE OTHER WOULD WORK SOO HARD TILL THEY CAUGHT UP BUT WE COULD NEVER CATCH EACH OTHER IN ALL OF THE SKILLS LOL, well this is my oppion hope u like it,

  2. Hehe, this is why I started a new server, because some of my friends played on Bera, and so did I, but people were getting extremely stupid, because they used all their time on MapleStory, and telling me to lvl faster. I lvl’ed faster than most of the others, when I started Broa, and I now got 2 lvl 50 users, while they only got 1 lvl 60 😛
    Then they started to say my server was ‘bad’ and full of hackers, and told me, that they thought I hacked, since I lvl’ed so fast.
    My point is: it doesn’t matter which server you play on, as long as you can play honest yourself, why then care what other people think? I stopped talking to my old friends (Those who played Bera) and started talking to people who never talk abaut MMORPG’s, and I talk much better with those, than with the people who play MS. This is not to disencourage people to talk with your friends, but to remind people, that this is a game, and if you don’t feel happy when you play it (Because of hackers etc. etc.) Simply start talking to others.


  3. I clicked the thing “Click here if you liked this blog”

    I was gonna make a blog like this lolz you are right

  4. You make it seem like the legit players, DON’T focus on scammers. Truth is, they focus on both hackers and scammers, but everything else with, I agree.

  5. Uhh, I think tha maple really affects us in real life, more than rs, have you read the blog about maple driving two people to almost-suicide? One tried to overdoes on pills and the other tried to cut herself

  6. Mmorpg addictions are serious things, but only if you let them become serious, these games were created for people to play them, and have fun, Not for people to let them consume every part of you’re life
    As for the hackers/scammers, well, people would rather take the easy route to becoming high level and such, personally, I’ll stick to grinding my way to the top, That way, I can look back and say ‘I accomplished this on my own, with no help from anyone, without hacking etc.’ Tell me, what feels better, knowing you worked hard to accomplish something, or hacking you’re way there the lazy way?

  7. Hacking is not a problem. Feeling proud that you hacked is nothing wrong either. Get me right. I’m one of those who depends on the problem. If not I usually ingore hackers.

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