People say that thing you learn from young follow you all the way to adult hood. Most who say it don’t know how true it is. But I do. I remember this conversation with my mother. Just before, an unknown warrior and magician murdered my mother. My father was said to be the great devil himself, I often asked about him, having conservations like this:
*Mother, who is the devil?*
*The devil?*
*Yes, mother, the devil.*
*The devil is a being of great evil. None says his name for the fear of meeting him. He can do anything he wants and take as many souls of humans as he likes.*
* What’s his name mother? Just spell it out.*
*Is he my father?*
* I…I… I don’t know darling…*
It was only up to later that I realised she side stepped the question. Whatever her answer was, it followed her to the grave. Soon, my mind was bending on revenge, only revenge drove me to study and study to be a wonderful thief.
The setting sun was beautiful, the dim yet blinding orange light shone in the cave near the ocean. It was very relaxing to stare and stare at it , but was none of my concern. I was here only to defeat my class’s best warrior, striving myself to be the best. The warrior was calm and kept looking at me with a bemused look on his face. Half his face was covered my rope, one of his eye scarred. I charged with hatred in my eyes, I threw two wobis at him. He simply stepped three steps to his left and drew a sword. With amazing speed, he rushed beside me, give me a wink and the blade sliced into the target’s belly. I shut my eyes and felt the pirecing pain of the wound. I knew my end was near, and shouted,” Lucifer, if you are real come and get me now…” Suddenly, my pain ceased, a blinding light filled the area and I saw the devil himself. ” Come, my daughter, come in the world of shadows. You have summoned me and I have come for you.” I felt no fear and followed him.
Sorry thats its so short, no time to finish it^-^
well, its definatly short, and kinda, confusing, too fast and discriptionless, it started really well with the convo with ur mother, but it got lost after that.
thanks for bothering to comment
The first part about what you learn young follows you to adulthood, I thought that was a really great way to start a story, the conversation could have been a bit more clear, try using quotation marks.
The plots seems pretty good, but you rush into it a bit too fast, take your time, and write at a comfortable pace.