Credits to the crediter of credits

Airu in s’pore town

Adrian looks werid (x

What do we do when we’re bored ?

I spit water (x

Some place in s’pore

Mr Sir Stamford Raffles


Kerning’s airport (:

It’s HERRREEE . The long awaited map for singaporeans and not to mention ALL MapleSea players too . Interested ?

[H]Short note for Nezzy.[/H]
You @#$%#@$#$% . FASTER DOWNLOAD SEA . YOU HEAR ME ? Or rather , you SEE me ?
[H]End of short note for Nezzy[/H]

Okk . Most will probably be jealous . The darn patch is lagging . I’m one of those who are unabel to download it . My friend who managed ot download it told me that it was the first time he saw so little people in aquila . I’m wondering why no one has written about this yet . Matters not . I shall write it .

MapleSea’s Website updated a few days ago .Even Hidden-Street has updated thier website .

A BIN . As a monster . Sure suits S’pore . The fine* city . In case the link doesn’t work , the monster is at level 18 with 280 hp and 30 mp . It gives out 30 exp . The rest are unknown . Since I’m not too well informed about the monsters in Sea ( it has been a LONG time since I last logged in ) , I’ll just list out those I think are the new ones .

On second thoughts , my mum is pestering me too much . I’ll leave the finding-out-new-monsters-part to you .

The fourth picture is my first ever ludi pq . Got a red and white napo and enjoyed myself (: Lituppath is my senior is real life btw .

I will update this tomorrow . The horrors of being under eighteen . DD:

* = a sum of money imposed as a penalty for an offense or dereliction
Credits to pictures of s’pore map -> N0rtTheEnd –> Rachel
Credits to information—————> HiddenStreet -> Creaters of HiddenStreet
Credits to blog————————> Repty———-> Repty’s fingers
Credits to credits———————> Repty———–> Repty’s lameness

8 thoughts on “Credits to the crediter of credits”

  1. gMS only got the STUPID CRAPPY SCREWED-UP continent of Masteria. I mean, COME ON THAT IS NOT FAIIIIIIIRRR. T.T

  2. Wow, that looks so awesome! I’m having trouble with the stupid patch (but who isn’t? haha) . . . luckily they have the Bittorrent one up now (didn’t last night when I looked) so things are going smoothly, wheee~

  3. Dustbins are bad for your health.

    When you tuch them, they throw you to the floor and attempt to strangle you.

    What does this suggest, hmm?


  4. Whoah, what a coincidence. I had dustbin as my word for isketch yesterday, and I skipped because I was too afraid to try and draw one. D:

    The drawing might’ve come to life and tried to strangle me. >.<

  5. Nothing’s wronnnnggg witthhhh biinnns . They cannntt fine you . Singapore could though .

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