Ok so heres my 2nd attempt on this story
HOPEFULLY itll turn out better ill try to fix a few problems of the past one
and if this wont turns out badly who knows maybe im just not meant to be a blogger/author.
Kryne and Rowen were off racing to differnet channels looking for the deadly Jr. Balrog
Rowen and Kryne both knew he wouldnt take the no meso explosion thing seriously so while Kryne blew his mesos away Rowen power striked and panicked as fast as he could.
Kryne being the faster of the two naturally got to the Jr. Balrogs first
but that only helps if the Balrogs are there.
About an hour later Kryne was winning 8 to 5 when he hit some bad luck in channels.
It quicky turned out 9 to 8 still in favor of Kryne but he wasnt so smug as before.
Kryne Entered the Curse Sanctuary 1 last time quickly dropped his mesos and awaited the beast to step into his trap. He exploded the mesos and declared himself the winner.
What he didnt know what Rowen was the real winner, he was only killed 8 crogs but on his 6th attempt Rowen found an Evil Wings and a Note.
Supposebly 2 artifacts owned by a great wizard. So before Kryne could bask in his triumph he was shunned by the drops.
Rowens buddy alert goes of.
Rowen: HA with that attitude youll never be a great warrior, slimes is some of the fastest training youll get.
Just make freins with one of the mages around, you wont get ksed and youll get good exp.
Chris: OOOOKKK i wanna leave though.
Kryne: Rowen you know what happened to those who risk to help others why would you do that after what happened?
Rowen: You cant blame the whole world for the past Kryne and besides you never know when a loyal follower can come in handy. Maybe these 2 artifacts can make us stronger if thats the case then were GONNA unlock the secrets.
With they set off towards Ellinia to ask Grendel the really old about the Evil Wings and the Note pertaining to it.
Hmm ok….i think so far ive had a rocky start…im TRYING to build towards something although im not 100% sure yet i write in a strange way i guess…i plan a little bit of it but most of what i write is just sitting and writing.
This may be boring but if i get ok feeback for a start ill keep going.
Id rather hear the truth then a lie.
I like this one.
Please do keep writing them. ^_^
hrrrmmm, It’s nice but i do have a few tips
start off with a catchy beggining so when people click on ur blog, it will draw there attention = )
Good luck!
The plot seems a little random to me, but I hope any later chapters might clear that up ^^
Well Just so you guys no, Im not the most experienced writer.
I do have SOME plans in mind but a lot of this i just write and go with it.
I do think the beginning is a little blerg but im hoping that its a good base to go off of.
Thanks for all the feedback and Constructive criticism as i am new at this and i do read it all =).