I am. Are you ?

Here’s a little quiz I made at 3:30 in the morning, so forgive me for the shortness and errors -_-;;. Also, somehow, this blog got deleted once, so if I posted twice, sorry, I’ll delete the other one tomorow. Also, leave feedback, I <3 love it. xD Hope you enjoy it !
EDIT: I made it about twice as long ! Still not 100% accurate but close. If you have and questions that you want put in the quiz, PM me, I’ll give you credit 😀


10 thoughts on “I am. Are you ?”

  1. Dude, I scored your quiz=1
    Why? Cuz im funded and you say I’m a noob.

    *Hides in corner and cries heart out*

  2. Sorry Darkwar and drunk, I made a mistake on that question :S. It wasn’t meant to offend anyone either, so sorry if it did. =]

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