In a declining world, todays youth have let us down the most. Honestly, when I was a kid, my mother worked a lot, so my Grandmother looked after me, and obviously, being a woman of an older generation she valued manners, and she pounded those manners into my brain. Now I do hate to sound old. It’s not like people ask for manners just to be annoying, or just to get on your nerves. When people are nice and well mannered to each other things are solved easily. KS wars for example. Now, being a Crusader, I am slow, and an easy target, it happens all the time. A sin comes into my channel. I will say “Could you please change channels? =]” They will either say okay, or you get the occasional “No.” In which case, I will get on MY hermit and get them out of my channel. It may sound mean to ambush them with her, but these people can KS, and they do KS, all the time. If they’re more weary about who they KS, and think, “Oh crap, I better not KS that warrior, he may also have a 10x hermit he could KS me with”, then I could be saving a lot of warriors a lot of hardship. I am honestly quite sick of hearing about 6x/7x warriors training at places like Voodoos and being KSed by 7x/8x hermits. It’s just not FAIR. If you’re going to KS someone, at least KS someone who actually has a chance in hell against you.
Now, I’m not saying it’s just hermits. I happen to be friends with a few FABULOUS hermits who would never randomly KS anyone. Hell, just the other day, my 66 Page friend was KSed by a bloody 7x Ranger.
Point being, in MOST cases, most KS wars can be solved with simple talking politely. It’s the cases of “I’m on 2x and I can’t get a ch.” or “All the chs are taken.” or even “I’m too lazy to find a ch, so I’m taking yours.” That’s just pathetic. Simply pathetic. And if people are going to do that to others, I’m going to use my hermit to protect those people. I just don’t believe in KSing warriors. I never have. Mind you, I can put up quite a fight on my sader. I was KSed by hermits, CBs, higher saders, DKs. Most of them, if they didn’t leave after being asked politely, I would just continue to train. And they get annoyed with me ruining their exp, so they leave. Warriors, be strong and don’t give up! In any KS war you are unfortunate enough to get in, just be stubborn. If you are right, and you were training in the ch first, you should simply not leave. Don’t let ill mannered cretins win.
</rant> =]
(Not that I’m permitting KS wars. They should only ever be done in extreme situations. If you’ve asked this person POLITELY and they have not left, for example.)
Also, they need to put a “What I’m listening to” feature on this, hur hur. -LJ veteron-
No more maple pics to share yet, but I’m working on one for two friends, I’ll post it as soon as it’s done =]
Lol, your blog rocks.
Even though you don’t ‘permit’ ks wars . I still find them fun x]
It’s those blasted kids, I tell you. -shakes fist- You’re completely right, Angel. Hence why you have your super awesome -not really- ranger friend here to help when able to. <3 Btw, I liked your previous picture. It’s nice, even if different. Don’t listen to stupid peoples, and say no to dru–I mean, ksers. You show ’em. F5 So you know I’m still Anonymous <—- great emphasis, so don’t call me here by my name, please.
Yay @ your sexy saderness. Woo @ Angel. F2