When you start playing a game like Maple, you just want the experience of the game. Being a general gamer, when I first saw maple I thought the concept was an awesome idea. I’d always stayed away from MMOs, mainly because most of the GOOD ones aren’t free. And I’m sorry but, screw paying for a game I’m not even sure if I’ll like. For the most part, I’ll stick to my normal games consoles. Maple is and always will be, the only MMO I will ever play.
I first started playing at MapleSEA, (mainly because someone I knew I didn’t like played on Global), but I eventually got bored of no one I knew being there, so I gave up and went to Global on request of my good friend, Shi. I owe everything to her.
I’ve always believed that, no matter where someone lives in the world, their friendship means just as much as someone who lives just down the road from you. And nothing will change that belief. But romantic relationships are a different thing entirely. The never-ending debate as to whether or not it’s stupid to fall in love with someone online rages on violently in Maple. Some people think it’s stupid to fall for someone you’ve never met, they say they’d never be that silly, but I think it’s silly to rule it out. When you fall for someone, a part of you has fallen for their personality, WHO they are, not WHAT they are, or what they look like. Now it’s obvious where I’m heading, so I’m going to go into a story. Not because I want to be emo, and brag about my angst, not because I want to teach you a lesson. Simply because when I write things down, in a blog/diary etc, and look back over them, the problems seem so much smaller, or clearer than they were before.
Last year on New Years, I met a boy. I was still pretty new to Maple. He had red Catalyst hair, and the snowboard overalls. I wasn’t quite sure whether he was male or female! But later that night we got to talking and suddenly I asked him, “Have you ever wondered if you mean as much to your internet friends, as they mean to you?” He told me he had. And we got to talking on a more deep level than before. From that night on, we were always together. Always. Now, I’m quite a stubborn, angry, harsh, difficult, high maintanence person. But none of that mattered to him. Unlike any other gentleman I’ve ever had the pleasure to be with. He accepted me exactly the way I was. He’d take all my anger, without retaliating. He’d always be kind and understanding, and with all my issues, he never cared. It was great. Most boys just give up. I don’t blame them to be honest, I don’t really think it’s worth the trouble to be so ambitious. But he really cared about me, I think. I fell in love with him on New Years. Eleven months later, and I don’t feel any different.
Now, I’ve met internet friends before, it’s no real issue. I’ve even met an internet boyfriend before, and I can tell you, people ARE different when you meet them in person. Even when you’ve seen pics of them. Even when you’ve spoken to them on mic/on the phone. It’s different. But I’d still do it.
Unfortunately, real life has gotten the better of him, and he broke up with me. I know why he did it, he doesn’t want me waiting around for him when he barely has time to come onto Maple anymore, but I’d wait forever, I really don’t mind. Don’t you hate that “you deserve better than me” speech?
Either way, it’s been me and him together forever since last year. And now that he’s gone Maple just doesn’t feel the same.
I blame myself, I made a Crusader, and he’s a boy char, but I’m a chixor in real life. He says he doesn’t mind my sader, but I know it’s probably not the same as when I used to play my hermit. Ahh well. Saders>hermits any day (that’s just my personal opinion).
Now here comes a rant. Why are saders better than hermits? Why did I make a sader when I already had a 10x hermit? Because. To me, hermits are boring, they’re too weak, I’m 109 and I can still be killed in like two to three hits at squids, where I train. My hermit has about 2k HP, my sader is only 86 and already has 5k HP. I can train him and watch TV at the same time, with the hermit, I HAVE to concentrate, and when you have to grind 12 hours just to level up, it gets tedious. I have always liked fast characters, and I love ranged characters. My hermit would be FINE if training could be somewhat like it was back at coolies. Monsters that can be killed in one to two hits. Or at least monsters that can’t kill YOU in one to two hits. I know these aren’t EVERYONE’S opinions, but I just wanted to voice mine. Besides that, I was a hermit who DIDN’T KS. Ever. And I was sick of people assuming I was just another KSer.
Well, that’s all for nao. Feels better to get everything down. Incredibly stressed out.
Oh, and I’ve included a pic I drew of my little mage =] because he’s a cutie <3 Sorry, I had to make it a Jpeg and it completely ruined the composition.
(And also, MOST of my blog titles will be taken from songs. This one is no exception.)
he’s wearing the speedo, which is available in game, and rather popular. You’d think you’d never seen a boy wearing one.
If the content disturbs you, then don’t look at it, and certainly, don’t comment just to complain =]”
Hey, hey!
Similar interests! But really, drawing anatomically correct and stuff is hard. I was hoping to try some one day. . . a real life person. But it is so hard to phrase it. I’m sticking to manga.
Let’s be friends!
~Lily x33.
Err Just as a future note, it might be wise to put a link to any “pictures” instead of uploading them directly to MMOT. o.o
Welcome to the insane asylum for MMORPG players, you will be on medication for one week and if that does not cure you, you will be strapped into one of our contraptions to make you spew random words of uselessness and of no sense at all.
Nah, jk.
Nice art. *awe*
I’ll refrain on voicing cynical thoughts on the whole online relationship thing.
And (no one would’ve thought I’d say this, but) Crusaders are smexeh things.
Hey there!
Wow, incredible art. What media do you use?
Love the facial expression. I never got into electronic media. >_> Can’t handle anything better than a pencil/pen.
Enjoy your stay here.
Just be careful with online relationships. You never know.
I don’t think you dislike Hermits compared to Crusaders. I think its because you’ve played so much that you needed a change.
~Lily x33.
i like the pic good job
Fenrir; thank you, I’m sure I’ll feel right at home ;o
SilverFX; It’s okay, I’m cynical about internet relationships too. I do think it’s a silly thing to get into. Unless there is a good chance of a meeting. And yeah, Crusaders are incredibly sexy =] I always wanted one. I joygasmed when his combo finally had five orbs. It’s a wonderful thing to see ;o
Axiom; Thank you. I did that drawing in a program called Paint Chat. it’s an Oekaki board big enough for various people all to draw in at once. In case you hadn’t heard of it, Oekaki Poteto is a japanese made art applet that allows you to draw online. But it only works online, and you can’t save it and come back to work on it weeks later, because Oekaki runs on a sort of forum, and most Oekaki boards only hold about 50 pictures. Your pic would be bumped off the board by other peoples >: Heh, I’m the opposite, not much of a fan of traditional media after I discovered oekaki
Wolfguy: Thanks very much ;o
That pic is, uhh
It’s a well drawn picture
but the “content” is disturbing
I shudder at what my maple characters would look like if you drew em
Maybe mine would be better seeing as i have clothes =/
a man with a thong?!
and a flat breast?!
Ummm theres a bulge down there. . . .If yah know what I mean. . .
Obviously. But do you want that guy nekkid instead of this? XD
Perhaps I should mention, I’m mostly a pornographic artist.
he’s wearing the speedo, which is available in game, and rather popular. You’d think you’d never seen a boy wearing one.
If the content disturbs you, then don’t look at it, and certainly, don’t comment just to complain =]