Oh yes. That little mofo diserved is so bad. For those who didn’t know, and are in shock, read the above once again. You know the nasty little boy who enjoys yelling digusting things at the -entire- server? Yep, he’s gone. Banned for misuse of Megaphones.
[Notice] TonyM0ntana has been banned for Supermegaphone misuse.
…. Or something like that. It was the most -beautiful- thing that as popped on the screen within -all- of my time spent on Windian Server. Buddylist shouted in glee, “He’s gone! He’s gone! By George, he’s finally GONE!”, And many Supermegaphoned love messages pointed at the GM flooded only seconds after. It was something that could bring TEARS TO YOUR PIXELATED EYES. It was great. If you missed it…. so not cool. D;
Oh, how wonderful those little notices were. 8D If you didn’t see any of them, go ahead and look.
If you already have, well, these are still interesting. Because, unless you’re in MSEA [<x<], chances are you haven’t seen too much GMS GM Activity throughout your gameplay. Seeing some more won’t hurt. These screenshots, uploaded below, contain:
* Bannings
* GM Spelling Mistake
* “I’m not lagging you, it’s the people spamming Smegas.”
* Snark
Yes, and to go along with that, there is blah blah blah, blah, blah blah, and then some blah came and blahhed the blah outta blah, blah blah, blah blah blah, this is annoying, blah blah…. blah….
(*) link Banning
link Banning
link Banning
link Banning
link The GM Speaks
link The GM Speaks
link The GM Speaks
link The GM Speaks
link The GM Speaks
Now you -might- say or think, deep deep down in your brain, “RADICAL is a loser for taking these Screenshots. Who cares about the GMs anyway? They aren’t doing their job, so they don’t matter.” For those of you who do, please read the following:
1] Loser, indeed, but not for that reason.
2] Seeing an active GM is EXCITING. GMs = Exciting. GM + Talking = SCREENSHOT HAPPY.
3] Go read PirateJings … latest? Blog. You just -try- to say that isn’t awesome. It IS awesome.
4] They ARE doing their jobs. And lately, they show so publicly.
That the end of this blog. 8D Hope you enjoyed it~!!!
Also, this is put in the “Magic” section. GM bannings are pretty magical.
Thank you for looking at this blog, hopefully it was entertaining! <3 :D;;;;
(*) Note; These are ALL in order by which they happened.
Good for GMS!
But I can’t seem to open the Sses. :/
Erm. I don’t see any pictures of TonyM0ntana being banned. xDD.
-.~.-Ideas? Comments? Please PM me since I rarely reply to blogs/topics-.~.-
Oh, um. nWell, he did. <__< -digs for pictures-
Heh, GM’s finally putting in their two-cents. Wish that would happen on Broa.
Wait, are you telling me that you don’t get Maple Points from the cards you got during the Spot On quest? Or are they there now? I just don’t feel like checking myself. . .
Nah, you’re not a loser. xD If you are, I am too. >>;; I take SSes of all the bannings that happen on Bera. XD
That picture is hilarious.
Indescane beat me to it D: