… Or atleast, the self-proclaimed Queen of MMOTales!
Hello, all of you wonderful MMOTalers. :] If you hadn’t already looked at my name, it’s RADICAL, back from the dead at long last… Or at least sort of, you know, being undead isn’t exactly being back -from- being dead, you know, it’s a zombie thing, you know, an unmeasurable craving for the succulent brains of the living kind of thing, you know, a—-
My computer had no hope of living, you see, and so my family decided we would all get a new computer – a laptop. :] MapleStory just happened to work on it, and so, LastHysteria has returned to Windia! …. Actually been back and playing on Windia for a little over 3 months, however, hadn’t really the mind to revive myself on MMOTales or Profil3. e__e;; But at long last, back in the rotten, corroding flesh, just for you guys. 8D
Might as well start with what happened yesterday and today… Need to get back into the habit of writing nice, readable, like-able, front-page winning blogs, zombifying half of the site and coming into the minds of all of you MMOTalers , teeth first. [Hide the children; It’ll be some pretty hardcore teeth-on-brain action, here.]
Oh, right! Getting off track again. On with my return blog!
Helped my new friend Rewwy do a lot of quests for next to nothing except the sheer joy of helping out a new player: Which leaves a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling in your heart [Which might just be the maggots squirming around in my rotting heart, but eh, it’s nice. <3] After helping him do all of the Eliminate Green Mushroom! Quests [with the help of Eric, too], We travelled to the swamps. Why? To get those pesky Jr. Necki Skins for another tedious quest. x__x They really are a pain to fetch, and that’s hard for a 6x Hunter, muchless a Warrior barely level 17! D; It took an insanely long ammount of time. Eric asked to do an Amorian Party Quest sometime during this, and agreed, but only after these quests were finished.
Sometime during our collecting, my friend James, who had just become a Dragon Knight, came out of the blue, prodding and bugging RADICAL to go ‘train with him at Ice Drakes’. We have a large level difference, at least 7, so training woudn’t be that good… But he insisted on it. [Gave in: Might get a nice evening of chewing on a nice, pixeated brain, you know.] Said my goodbyes to Rewwy [which was great at the time, collecting for quests for hours on end gets boring!] and Eric as well, who had stayed behind to continue assisting Rewwy with those questing needs. [Poor guy.] Went with James a little regretfully despite getting out of collecting assorted drops, wanting to APQ with Eric and being unsure of where the Ice Drake map was, and expecting him to take us right to it, like any person truly wanting to train, would. [You know, train rhymes with brain…. Yum. :’D] My mistake: James -never- does what he sets out to do. x’D
We ended up doing WAY too deep into the dungeon, getting not much done, and no brains either. Suspected something was amiss once we passed into the Tauromacis’ Territory, considering Drakes don’t spawn in maps beyond that, but didn’t say anything until we reached the ever dreaded Taurospear. D’: Taurospear is two or three hit death, and that’s not counting that pesky magic. x__x James, again, high off of the glory of being a Dragon Knight, fell into a HUGE clump of the nasty creatures, attacking them happily with a 2nd job skill, as his 3rd job skill is weak at the moment [as was his brain, mustn’t have been working to jump into a pile of those things!]
Dx He was showing off, no doubt, trying to “win my love” as he often does by bribing with gifts/killing monsters/helping with quests, et cetera. Funny guy. He killed around 20 of these fiends, boasting, but then he dissapeared randomly [probably to go look for Jr.Balrog, that deadbeat], leaving RADICAL cowerring in fear on the edge of the map, whining in party chat. Was 8x.xx%, after all, and didn’t want to die! [Though zombies can’t die, you see, it’s more of a undead kind of thing, you see, a—-] …. Or, didn’t want to lose experience, that is. Eric popped up out of no where, apparantly having abandoned Rewwy to do his quests by himself. We talked a little bit, and he decided he wanted to kill a Taurospear!… And ended up getting killed. His brain wasn’t working, either, a shame. >:
After killing a few Taurospear’s [or, at least, watching James kill them in fear] and mourning the death of Eric some more, but the end result was town-scrolling to Sleepywood. Eric spawned a few moments later. And then, as expected of James, he spawned back in town as well, whining “Why weren’t you watching me kill a ‘rog?! I totally did! You missed it” …. He was probably fibbing, knowing him. Eric said in party something like “We can APQ after you level up.” James took this to his advantage,and said he was going to go train in “FoG”, and insisted on my tagging along.
Wait…. FoG?! Forest of Golem?! Wasn’t that the place where everyone complains about Kill Stealers and huge jerks completely infesting on BasilMarket? James continued pushing and prodding, with an end result of giving in, and then facing the ever-dreaded Forest of Golem. Maybe feasting on the brains of the unsuspectant Maplers in the area would make it work it?… It’s usually either a love/hate relationship with the damned Map, it seems, and my first experience there was hoped to be a success… And was! [Even without the brains!]
Ended up leveling at FoG, gaining 20%+ . James dissapeared yet again with out much word of why, namely trained alone in the map the entire time. Would have been more and much faster if Eric didn’t insist on sitting on his pretty little bum one map away. “I’m too weak to train here, I’m weaker then you are!” A level 63 Huntress verses a level 73 Ice/Lightning Mage… yeah, doubt it. His brain wasn’t working too well today. He popped in randomly when a few fiestly maplers tried taking my Row, and when getting more potions was nessicary – Had to repot every 20 minutes, and my row could have been easily taken within the time it takes to get back, get potions, and come back! He must have been really down about dying a losing 5% [which is nothing compared to a Warrior/Archer’s 10%, mind you], and didn’t want to help at all besides when it was nessicary.
However, around my 95%, Eric agreed to come and help elliminate some of the massive mobs, after being told we could get to APQ faster if he came and helped, thus speeding up the experience to my level. It’s a lot more enjoyable training with him, it’s a shame we never get to anymore. Anywho, the Forest of Golem experience [in both definitions] was enjoyable: Ended up meeting a very nice Crusader and Dragon Knight, as well as a very considerate Assassin, believe it or not! The Dragon Knight accidently stole my mob occassionally, so when he had to leave to go sell something in the Free Market, he gave his bottom row and the next row up FOR FREE. * w* As thanks, didn’t eat his brain after all. Eric took the bottom, considering he’s stronger [though he denies it constantly], and myself the 3rd row.
Trained up until 99.98%, and then scrolled back to Sleepywood. Eric scrolled back, too, confused on my sudden departure. We walked to Heneseys, sitting around for a few minutes and talking, almost forgetting how close level 63 was. Called my buddy SALLY to come to Henseys Hunting Ground 1, and, after poking snails in the nude with a spear for awhile, the lovely, rare green text flashed across the screen:
LEVEL UP! 63 at last! Only 10 levels difference from Eric, and 7 more to go for Ranger.
Immediately rushed off to Amoria to start Party Questing, as promised. After collecting Liplock keys, changed to Channel 1 and looked for a party. You have a better chance getting in as a couple. 10 minutes later with no results, Eric decided he would lead a party. After inviting 4 others, we had a worthy party of taking down the Poltergeist ‘rog. :] We went through the first stage smoothly, and the 2nd had a little bumps, but still fairly quick. The third stage was VERY unenjoyable, as one of the Dragon Knights were being rude and wouldn’t let Eric handle the combinations. D; Wanted to eat his brain so badly, but it probably wouldn’t taste very pleasant. >’: 4th stage, smooth. 5th stage, we ran for our lives, and even with my slow, zombie stagger, managed to keep up. 6th stage, smoothly enough, sitting on a thorn and watching everyone else kill the ‘Geist, as my damage is too weak to really contribute, and would of just been in the way. We killed it successfully [er, atleast they did], and went to the ever-awesome SPECIAL COUPLE Bonus. :]
Wanted to get this:
Oynx Apples
Amorian Relaxer
Amos’ Spirit Cape
Brains :]
Came out with this:
Moonstar Earrings
Pineapple Chew
No Brains >:
Then went to Lith Habour to go chill with Eric and one of his friends, Andy, and wait for more of his friends to get off of Maple Island. The end result was Andy rapping, Eric being forced to say more weird things in Hebrew, and the Maple Island friends logging off without getting to Victoria. D; Some other lucky zombie over on Maple Island must have gotten to them first, what a shame. Eric had to leave and Andy was rather unentertaining, so, said my goodbyes as well, and logged off for the night.
[“Turtle” in Hebrew is Tsav! 8D A girl turtle is Tsavah!]
So yeah, that concludes that day on MapleStory. :’] Hope you enjoyed reading my blog, loves; this actually took a really long time to type out. e we;; Anyways, yeah, it’s cool to be back. Nice to know some of you really awesome bloggers still stick around this site [and so do your brains, yummm…]. Going to try my absolute queenly zombiely best to continue blogging and entertaining the masses. <3 Now, to shamelessly link a lot of things, just because. :’D
BasilMarket: link
Profil3: link
MySpace: link
MMOTales, despite already being here: link
Will be reopening/recontinuing my art stuff. Eventually, probably doing the little blobs for free as always. Might start drawing more serious pictures for friends, or MMOTalers who are really nice, or post really good blogs or stories, or both, or…. yeah. Or charging Windians to draw serious pictures for them. Just whatever. >’: -needs mesos almost as much as brains-
Yeah, so, it’s nice to be back, MMOTales. ;] Who’s missed Queen RADICAL, hum?
Welcome back.
It’s time for you to return.
*Stuff myself into your mouth*
Welcome back.
Heya. o:
What’s the reverse of a necrophiliac called? >_>
-thinks about eating your brain instead of the question- <3
Welcome back! Aaron, stop necroing threads please.
Necrophiliacs = yuckyy. DX
Brains = <3
-unrolls scroll of “Undeath to Death“-
Me is necrophiliac because I can never get a girl that purty enough to be my girlly girl.
So I get dead ones >D
Welcome back.
Ill be watchin’ you @_@
U r queen? lol.
Welcome back.
It’s okay to be jealous, Mippy. >:
Mmmmmmmmmmm shiru
Welcome back!
(But no, I’m Queen. >D)
(On second thoughts, nah, Eona’s Queen.)
Liek, I so totally got inspired by your old ArtPad thread and went to draw my own thingy for Eona. Man. That was hard. How the hell did you ever do that anyway. >>;
But omg. You’re back~ ^^
(But no, I’m Queen. >D)
(On second thoughts, nah, Eona’s Queen.)
Liek, I so totally got inspired by your old ArtPad thread and went to draw my own thingy for Eona. Man. That was hard. How the hell did you ever do that anyway. >>;
But omg. You’re back~ ^^”
I’m righttt . You’re the artisttt
Wb !
Welcome Back~
*Stuffs Muffin into your mouth again*
Welcome back, CHUCK.