Level 50, at last!

; w; A prideful moment indeed. Reaching 50. Half way to 100. 20 levels away from the advancement. 8 away from Shintara’s level. 12….ish away from Laura. Finally got to equip that 77 Attack Olympus that’s been gathering pixelated dust in my inventory. Also, Maro’s are uber smexy. > w<

Reaching level50 couldn’t be possible unless it were for several kindhearted Maplers, MMOTers, Basilers, etc. Thanks you guys… ya’ll rock. D: 50 is a real accomplishment, and finally, after several months… It’s just really good to kick back, stare at your own pixelated face, and say “Level 50. Wows.” After quitting twice over [Once around lvl32 due to banned-by-parent, once around lvl43 due to no motivation…], 50 is seriously pretty awesome.


> w< Woooo! FIFTY!

FIIIIIFTY. Fif-tee. Feef-tay. Shfif-teh….

Again, thank you. Thank you for reading my blogs, for clicking “I Like” on many blogs, for supporting my character LastHysteria, for bidding on my auctions, for smashing the F2 button so many times ingame. D: And when 3rd Job comes around… you’ll be mentioned yet again, along with many others.

In-Game Friends

…. That’s all? what o_o

That one guy




MMO Talers [Inspirational <3]


Now to explain the screenshots. ;DD

2. -some- of the spam!
3. First time equipping the entire set.

Thank you, MMOTalers. 😀 Even if you were not mentioned, your interesting blogs, screenshots, and videos have also been an inspiration MAJORLY to get this far. You guys rock. <333

And Sugar,
And Jello,

15 thoughts on “Level 50, at last!”

  1. Wow, level 50! Congratulations! It’s a long journey from level 1 through 50. Very hard work!

    I kept quitting before level 50. It was so boring. It’s really an accomplishment to make it to 50, and I can say that because my Bro never made it there. – –

    Congratulations again!

  2. Lol Gratz. Took me bout 3 weeks of distracted hacking (talking too much lol) to get to lvl 50 XD. And yes im very lazy.


  3. Spearhog said: “You wore level 10 clothing until 50? o_o”

    Put on lvl10 clothes for the occasion of lvl50. xDD Like celebration clothes, sorta.

    Dest1 said: “How can my blogs be “Inspirational?””

    :D;; It’s fun to “race” people to level, and your blogs are awesome. <3 o wo

    irlazybum said: “Took me bout 3 weeks of distracted hacking (talking too much lol) to get to lvl 50 XD.”

    You diserve NO congratulations. This is very insulting. You come into MY blog, MY lvl50 blog, where it’s taken MONTHS to get to this, this turning point, if you would, and say it took you 3 weeks. 3 Weeks, as a HACKER. Any respect you could have had has been thrown into the trash. :D.Hope you’re satisfied. NEVER post on one of my blogs again. If you do, you’ll be faced with an angry-arse Hunter who’s out for blood. <3

  4. I spy a wish thingymabob item, . -grabs it- MUWAHAHA IT’S MINE!
    gratz =) I leveled in ludi pq for 50, and I think I levelled to 51 in ludi pq with all my friends in the pq =) lol

  5. Gods, I really hate you irlazybum, Its her blog and you RUINED it.
    Congrats Radical.

    I would like to be an inspirational MMO Taler,
    Not to mention if your in BROA, a in-game friend 😛

  6. irlazybum said: “Lol Gratz. Took me bout 3 weeks of distracted hacking (talking too much lol) to get to lvl 50 XD. And yes im very lazy.


    Shnoob! I could get to 50 overnight, if I hacked. But I don’t.

  7. Everyone keeps chewing you out irlazybum. It’s the person that counts, not their actions or something like that. That’s a stupid saying. Whoever came up with that should be shot. I don’t think I made it up so don’t pin anything against me! And btw, when I got to level 50 on my Page, I totally quit him. There was nothing left to work at. Well, there was level 70 but that would take forever.


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