Lul, need some guests for a non-nx wedding. :0 Which is unplanned, has no date, and only has a location so far. <3 My lauhvar, Joey [EmptyWords45] has no monies to be using $30, and… no credit card use here, so, Non-NX wedding instead. 8D! Yeah, free stuff, too. Just… YEAH YOU CAN GET FREE STUFF. So come, ja? Because you’re invited if you want to so be there.;DD Chyeah~
It’ll take place in Windia, Ch14, Guild PQ, withoutany set date yet. Why no set date? =0 We still need to set a time where the majority of our BuddyList’s can be on, and when we’re done buying the crapload of gifts for our guests. xP Well, mine anyway. He isnt dishing out the good stuff. xP Anyway, some info on the people:
“Priest”: GodFTW
Husband: EmptyWords45
Wife: LastHysteria
Best-Men: ??
Best-Women: ??
Other awesome guests: YOU! ;D
So yeah. Obviously, it’s free, considering it’s a NON-NX wedding, so leave your name if you’re interested in attending. xD Namely just to party and goof off and take silly screenshots. Even if you’re saying, “what? WHO IS LASTHYSTERIA? EHHH?”, you can come anyway. Because you rule. Kthnx. But yeah, the more people, the better. S’fun righto? YES, IT IS. RAWRRR. o_o~
More info later, but if you want to take part
[and if you’re in WINDIA yo], leave your IGN. 8D
MMO Guests:
Chyeah. Hopefully, some people will like to. xD Some people off our BuddyLists are already coming, so, theres… about 6 people already going to show up. So, its not like you’ll be the ONLY one if you want to. o_o;; If not, then, thanks for looking at this anyway. <3 S’nice to know people actually look at these. 8D Yeahhh, fuzzle.
Also! Happy Holidays! <333
Cool, you guys are actually having a wedding but without spending 30 bucks >_>. Aww, too bad I cant attend the wedding because Iam not in Windia >_<;. Well good luck with your wedding, and an early congrats!
i could bet seeing as your havent set a day for the wedding yet im not sure i can come because im going to norway for holiday