Once again, I have not much to say than a bunch of screenshots. d(^^d) Peace yo!
1st picture
A guild immaturely insults a popularly known guild called EndLessStory (Named after MapleStory). EndLessStorys guild leader (KandalzRO) tries to take back the insult.
2nd picture
My evil onslaught on a newbie.
3rd picture
Once a upon a time in a RebirthRO, A GM decide to marry himself.
4th picture
Malicious Guosim heal-harassing me in PvP room.
5th picture
There was two GMs. One GM (Ikuto) said to vote for who was the better GM. I therefore shouted Ikuto is the best GM. Few moments later, when the other GM heard this. He somehow killed me in the place and a messaged appeared.
Mercy has been shown
Hey, where’d you get the Infiltrator? D:
Lol I bought it in payon for 1.2mil
Your screenies make me kinda miss RO.
Too bad I quit and deleted it from the computer to prevent myself from ever returning. (I’ve quit MapleStory a couple time, but I always leave it on my compy, just in case. <3)
Infiltrator FTW
They fully upped the power since last time i played
And those weapons you got can have some upgrading, but meh
And did you have an ED card when he was healing you?
Infiltrator FTW
They fully upped the power since last time i played
And those weapons you got can have some upgrading, but meh
And did you have an ED card when he was healing you?”
ED card?
Evil Druid Card
You abbreviate everything in RO
You will have to learn it all once you start to PvP, Have noobs beg etc.
Edit: Pvp with Pros!
No, how would I get healed if I had ED carded armour on?
That’d rather hit me.
Btw. Where are the woe areas? The only one I know is the 1 map west of aldeberan.
Nice GM.
That’d rather hit me.
Btw. Where are the woe areas? The only one I know is the 1 map west of aldeberan.”
Dont know about WoE areas i warp there
And healing to hurt is fun =D
Very fun
It is hilarious
ME is also fun
I stare at your shortcuts

Where is Enchnat deadly poison?
Where is Sonic Blow?
Where are the godly weapons?
Ive gone insane
Theres 3 different F12 menus you know
The 1st menu is my SB shortcut
The 2nd is my SB
and the 3rd is a combination
Lol i know
Hey do you think I should get a combined incarnation samurai and hydra card, with a ED carded armour, or a pest carded armour?
Btw does the incarnation card penetrate through mdef, and ALL types of defense?