Are you are suffering the “Super duper boredom virus disorder?” (Whatever, that is suppose to mean o.o) Click these links, and soon you’ll turn, from depressed victim into a Hyper-active 8 years!!!
Ps: I SWEAR TO GOD ITS NOT P0RN0, if it is I swear to you I will eat a full plate of BRUSSEL SPROUTS!! EEEEKKKK!
To begin try this link:
Cure 1: link
In case that didn’t cheer you up, this is my second solution!!!
Cure 2: link
Uh oh.. In case your a bit TOO hyper, see this to make you BOOGIE! xD
Cure 3: link
Incase you didn’t believe my cures worked, I got evidence of a hyper-active patient- heres a video of him after the mental care xD
Evidence!!! : link
I’d say this patient got a bit too “laid” o.O
Have a nice day everyone! For now, I am finished for today!
<(^^>)[MD] ___A Happy Kirby Production___
___Please rate___^^
Lol, it really cheered me up when i was sad xD
W00t Im the ruler of the top blogs now w00t lol xD
i figured that the 1st and 2nd link arnt funny, so i skipped to the 3rd.
hahaha xDDD nice
Level 70 suppose to be a Hermit
Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat =)
What is the name of the song from the first video 0.o
Macdaddy Groove i think o.O
Somehow, when I sing “Peanut butter jelly” fast repeatly, it turns out to be “peanut butter and jelly” o.o
Numa Numa Yei! Numa Numa Yei!
bumpy the bumper*
Wow, that guy is. . . o_O;
On crack? o_o
Lmao! I loved the 4th video link you posted. Lmao thanks I was kinda feeling bored and a bit sad but you certainly helped.
Hehe thanx Tebs xD

Go hyper-active ppl xD