Long time since I was still playing MS, I made few tips of stuffs. . And yeah. . . I decided to make one for RO as well. These skills are not in game skills- I made them up
Quangs tormenting PvP made-up tactics:
Poison Entry
SP consumption: Your venom dusts level
Requirements: 1 red gemstone, venom dust (As higher level as possible)
Description: You basically stain poison on the spawning point, causing some people to become poisoned when they pop their heads into the PvP portal or in WoE.
Comment: It could be funny to annoy people when they come in, otherwise its a waste of red gemstones for those who like saving.
Poison Cross
SP consumption: 4x your venom dusts level
Requirements: 4 red gemstones, venom dust (As higher level as possible)
Description: You form a cross (of any kind) onto the ground by artistically venom dust around you
Comment: Like above, its just for fun, however consumes more of gemstones. If you stay inside the poison barrier, some of those with melee attacks might try to avoid the poison or recklessly get poisoned
SP consumption: Depends on what skills you want to use
Requirements: Some gemstones, meteor assault, a hostage , soul breaker, cloaking and venom dust
Description: You cloak and stand onto the same cell as one hostage , then crazily spam irritating attacks like venom dust and meteor assault on bystanders. You can also strike them with numbers of soul breaker after . People, who attempt to attack you will have chance of hitting you or the person you are on the same cell on (unless theyre still vigilant and move away).
Comment: This tactic consists taking advantage of people, therefore levels dont really matter. Its very irritating for many people and also the tactic I always do in PvP . I once killed two pros with that.
Poison Combo
SP consumption: Not telling
Requirements: Not telling either
Description: You eat a dog
Comment: Overall, Im not telling it and because its my most ultimate and secret skill. . . TO RULE THEM ALL! ! !
Picture1: Poison Entry
Picture2: Poison Cross
Picture3: Homicide
Picture4: Guosim gets angry
Wow you approximately pressed “I liked” less within a minutes that I just submitted this blog Dest o.O
Lol I noticed your blog.
I read it.
Then clicked it.
I didn’t comment cause my fingas were mad hurtin.
Rightt, Now if you excuse me, I’ll go ROing and homicide someone
Wait- Poison Combo.
Could it be
Soul Breaker?
Lol, Ganzie, you like pretty much every blog.
Soul breaker?
It’s skill that basically, that sends a purplish ray, which penetrates through the enemy’s body, ripping their eye fluids and disgesting their guts.
And no Ganzicus, It’s much more complex than that, And now that you said about EDP. . You just helped me add some more buck in the combo 8)
Nuuu, why’d you put me up there?!
Soul burn FTW!
I know a half decent combo with poison

Cast usual buffs then use EDP
Make yourself a fast crit sin (crit doubles when a sin uses a katar)
Sonic blow them at first, then use venom splasher. Then keep attacking and hope they don’t move
and then they are dead
Quang is poisoned?
No fenny, when someone gets poisoned their screen turns purplish, a skull appears and laughs at you D: