Purpose of Mapling

Long ago, I met this level 48 guy named DRGforce in Orbis, after establishing my guild- PyroTales. We became friends after finding, that we were both guild masters. DRGforce, thought up of this idea, to create a network of guilds across Bera, by forming alliances (Buddying) different guild masters- as one huge community.

After some time knowing each other, this guy made up some very ambitious goals:
–To train to level 100
–Create a huge network of guilds across Bera
–Make history on MS o_o

And he said, if his idea was successful, he would get Cody (the creator of MS) to reward us for the guild idea.

To me, he seemed way too. . .


However, he did seem determined to train to level 100. He trained almost every time I saw him on Maple. He often advised me to train, but I simply preferred to “Party in Maya’s”, such as: chatting with people, stalking girls and socializing in Henesys :P.
Yes. You may think I’m a lazy bum to relax, while he was training all the way.
However! Did I EVER say I agreed to join him and his goals? No.

Later, He became the same level as I was. (Level 50)
In came problems.
He started a competition, by showing off his strength and his guild. I hardly took much attention.

Today, I broke my “alliance” with him. I coincidentally met him in Henesys. This is what happened:

Me: Hi DRGforce! You changed.
Him: You’re still level 53? (He’s level 56)
Me: I don’t like training. It’s boring.
Him: It must be the nx cash which distract you from your training. (I got nx cash on a lucky day)
Me: I never agreed with your goals.
This is what shocked me most.
Him: You should.

You’ll continue to be a noob if you don’t train.

Me: WHAT?! Mapling is not always about training!
Him: It is.
*I try to ignore*
Him: You’ve change. You’re not the same Pyra, like I used to know. Now you’re weird and a meanie.

He continued blabbering, until I finally broke the alliance.
“DRGforce has been deleted from your buddy list”
He didn’t care. He simply walked away, and said that I’m “weird and a meanie” again.

So what do YOU think is the purpose of mapling is?

26 thoughts on “Purpose of Mapling”

  1. Well “fun” is different to every other people.

    Fun for someone could be training, and they enjoy training and think it’s fun.

    Or fun could mean talking and chatting, like it is for you Quang.

    I enjoy training AND chatting, but mostly chatting >.>


  2. WOW. This has sooo many comments! So SOO many =]
    I’m not about to go read through them all, but after reading the first two pages, I believe I get the “gist” of it.

    *coughannicough* xD

    Anywhoo! What I think of maplestory:
    I just see it as this cute little game where leveling is somehwat of a priority, since that’s when all the awesome stuff happens–but it’s also something that you can put aside easily. Friends and in some case “family” [if you do the maple bro/sis mom/dad thing ^^] and guild members are more important than anything in maple.<3 They make the game fun, and definitely make the game worthy of logging in once more. I mean seriously, everyone KNOWS that just straight leveling is so, so, gravely boring. Well, at least to me. Without my friends–good maple friends–I doubt that I would have even bothered to remain in Maplestory and level. I see maple as a community in which people of all ages, race, region [GLOBAL PRIDE] come together to play–and that’s just awesome. It feels fantastic to know that you know people from like almost all over the world. I mean, take our guild, EternalAngel, for example. We have like what, about 30-35 members? And already in this little group our diversity is like the United Nations. Gahhaa. I sound like SUCH a democrat! Anywhoo. I think I rambled quite a bit off topic there. Ignore the extraneous information? ^^;;

    Umm. So basically! Purpose of maple the way I see it:
    -Make awesome friends & join pwnage guild EternalAngel FTW!
    -Understand diversity? [dam racial beezies]
    -Have a great time
    -And as Anni basically said: SHOUT! SHOUT! RUN WILLLLLLLDD <3 *remembers the silly dance we had by Henesey’s taxi cab *

    ~Shake those pixels! xDDD

  3. The point of Maple is to have fun. People have different perspectives. You seem to have a better personality. You can do many things in Maple for fun. But for that other guy, all he thinks fun is is to train and show off, and be arrogant. You made the right decision.

    For me, fun is scrolling

  4. I think that the purpose of Mapling is, get on MSN, shout “HIYA EVERYONE” and poke all of them . Then get on with insulting my Guild master .

    Or getting on MS , screaming in everyone’s eardrums, spamming buddy chat, annoying people and poking them .

    And occasionally training .

    If you think that MapleStory is all about training, then you are truly deluded .

    [oops . If I have offended anyone, I am sorry .]

  5. Annikabelle said: “I think that the purpose of Mapling is, get on MSN, shout “HIYA EVERYONE” and poke all of them . Then get on with insulting my Guild master .

    Or getting on MS , screaming in everyone’s eardrums, spamming buddy chat, annoying people and poking them .

    And occasionally training .

    If you think that MapleStory is all about training, then you are truly deluded .

    [oops . If I have offended anyone, I am sorry .]”

    Lol blowing people’s eardrums and annoying them? O_O

  6. Maplestory has a heavy focus on training, unfortunately. You can truly reap great rewards once you get to level 60. At that time, you’ll be strong enough to do really fun and suicidal things, like go on Macis runs, Deep El Nath raids, or Ludi Dungeon sieges. But before 60, there is still a lot you can do.

  7. Annikabelle said: “Err . . .


    I never see you blowing people’s ear drums on MMOTales. >.>

  8. O.o

    -Grabs a megaphone thingy-

    *sets to loudest volume*


    [insert some screeching sounds]

  9. @Dest: Err ok. You didn’t have to answer it. I’ll pass it on
    @Annikabelle: I’m already deaf woman -_-

  10. Annikabelle said: “Not my fault .

    Dont call me ‘woman’ .

    Call me human >.>


    “Wow”man= Woman
    “Who”man= Human

    The purest essence of the class is. . .

    Stop wowing me, man!

  11. Annikabelle said: “Aaarghhh .

    -Glares at Quang-

    Equal rights!”

    ARgh. I gotta go to sleep now. cyaz

  12. Purpose of mapling?
    Course it’s to find a place to chat, relieve myself from the day’s stress, and procrastinate.

  13. Oh, my gawd. I saw the number of pages of comments on this blog and flinched. Yes, I know The Ninja’s has more, but. . .still. >>;;

    I think the purpose of Mapling is. . .making friends, stalking with your buddies/guildmates (xD) and training with friends. Training by yourself is boring. ._. Well. . .let’s just say if I didn’t have friends in Maple, I would’ve quit by now. xD

  14. Yay <3

    We made it .

    Pity I had to go before we reached 400 ><

    @ Aliyah : I shout enough in BL <3

    *Poke poke*

  15. Well, the reason i even started playing maple was because of my friends, and the reason i continued playing was also because of my friends.
    In maple i would hang out with them, talk, do stuff, train SOMETIMES. But most of my friends stopped playing maple so, i got bored of it. D:

  16. Ezyan said: “Oh, my gawd. I saw the number of pages of comments on this blog and flinched. Yes, I know The Ninja’s has more, but. . .still. >>;;”

    Not anymore =)

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