As always, all this would make lots sense if u read the previous chapters…
The sin and the warrior stood there, trembling with fear- as if they were chickens, facing a French cook. Pika’s eyes began to redden with rage; flames were sprouting from his back every time he looked at Drake’s corpse. His anger made him uncontrollable, ferocious and merciless…
Sin: Hey warrior, since we are 2 ppl against 1, in the count of 3, let’s charge at it ok?
Warrior: Ok. (The warrior agreed because his lack of INT, by not knowing the dangers of this XD)
Sin: 1… 2…3!!! CHARRRGGGEEE!!!
Warrior stupidly charges at Pika, but doesn’t notice that the sin was heading for the pot shop, to buy him first aid. Pika, with his bulky paws, gave the warrior a powerful swipe with his super-power strength- blasting the warrior high up the sky. As Pika glared at his next victim, the sin was stunned with horror. At the moment, when Pika was about to charge at sin, Pika felt strange and began shaking oddly again.
Suddenly, Pika’s flames began fade, regaining his normal piggy-self. The sin began cracking with laughter, increasing his morale again…
Sin: BUWHAHAHA! Ur strength has returned to normal, making u the “useless” animal again!!!
Pika: Useless, err? I’m not so sure of that if I was u “Pathetic” human!
Pika suddenly begins to madly release toxic gases from his ass (u no what I mean) poisoning EVERYTHING around him.
Sin: Muhaha!!! Too BAD I bought an oxygen mask from the pot shop, making ur toxic fog useless!
Pika: Too BAD, u forgot to buy an anti-flame suit as well, “pathetic” human!!
Sin: Nonono!!! Mercy! Plz, mercy!!! Ill give u whatever u want!!! But just, DON’T DO IT!!!
Pika: What, WOULD u give me?
Sin: Ummm… U can have few mesos, ores, jr.necki skins…
Pika: -_-
Sin: Oh, yes and ofcourse PIG HEADS!!!
Pika just lets go of a tiny flame, creating an enormous catastrophic effect of to the gas
_To be continued__
< (^^<) (>^^)> A Happy Kirby Production
how about next, he get’s hit by a car and he survives and becomes an armored pig
XD. haha ncie story. very funny ^^;;
Nice one, funny too, good battle scenes aswell
Thanx! u two, supporting audiences! ill try my best to make this story as funny as i can! =D
w00! i love these stories. every so often, i take a breka from my work jsut to read these stories ^^. these refresh my mind lol. my stories are too er– boring O.o
Huh? i think ur doing a great job, all u have to do is add humor and add something famous from real life- to ur story.
yea, ty ^^. i started a bandit story. hope u liek that too.
lol drakes are stronger than fireboars,
Well, Pika is a Super-fire boar ^^
Im working on chapter 6 now ^^