Whenever, i talk to a pro- like lvl 60-70, they become so arrogant, as they are a ignorant. Even talking, to one of my best friend in class (in ms) is hard! He often insults me when i say and come to him, despite of my “low lvled looks”. One time i went to ludi, while equiping noobie clothes and selling things, a stupid high lvl cleric judged by my looks and called me a “noob” until i starting equiping my lvl 35 armor -_-.
But, when i have a pal that is same my lvl or little less, we became almost best friends in ms (better than my real life ms pal)
7 thoughts on ““Low leveled Looks””
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Im going on ms now, if u wanna see me, whisper to: Pyracross. Bera.
So, you have a best friend thats closer then any friend in real life?
no, i mean being a pro really changes ur way of beings
Not really, if the person is an ass they were bound to be an ass from the start -,-. I dunno if youd consider me a “pro” im lvl 57 and im not cocky or arogent at all. I keep setting my own level of being a “pro” first I thought “lvl 40 armor looks proness” then “lionfang is sooo pimp” but now I still dont consider myself “pro” and probably never will. Those people are asses cuz they think they are the best, just bring a higher lvl and they will shut up.
Yea, proberly u rite, i guess everyone is different to others.
Some ppl are nice, maybe depending on their real-life personalities, not just their maple story accounts personalities.
Yea, proberly ur rite,