Hacking Infestion!

Today in Maplestory, while i was selling something, i heard a few ppl yelling in FM : Free hax go to www.#####.com (censored so that u readers won’t get “hacker infested” too =/ ) At this moment, i couldn’t believe that our mapler’s blood could create such plot, to affect the “hacking curiosity” to maplers as well! After few moments, i heard ppl using “super microphones” advertising the same hacking source… As the real uses for good- super microphones, they are usually used for advertising ur goods, but in this situation, they were used for EVIL!!! It was used for give the information to join HACKING!!!

If u go to mapleglobal.com, ull see TONS of post about “Free hacks” in the worlds forum… Its a bad influence on us- maplers when our curiosity comes to hacking… Every1 spreads this “Hacking Plague” when one starts to another…

To conclude i want to make this point:” Its either UR decisions to join hacking- but it is discouraged to do so…
If U join HACKING it is ur responsiblities to have problems in ms- pin code changes, etc… If U play fair with US, u may have better friendships, not getting banned easily (unless u scam some1 ofcourse)…

-Its simply up to YOU to make up ur own decisions…

6 thoughts on “Hacking Infestion!”

  1. Yea i agree, these super microphones spreaded auctions, as well as dread into maple

  2. harrybladder said: “I am sick of all these megaphones it is time for GMs to start banning ips”

    GM’s will never ban IP’s, and super megaphones will never be discontinued. Just ask me why.

  3. xxcleric87:
    If your point is that they want to keep the customers and money sources with the Cash Items, you are slightly off. Wizet has hundreds of thousands of people playing their games. I highly doubt that banning a few IPs would affect them in the least bit. As for removing Megaphones, they would not need to be removed if such IPs were banned when they should be.

    Back to the blog: Though I have been curious what these hacks are for MapleStory, I would never even consider using them. Far too many people in the game use them and advertise them. It really is irritating.

  4. Ok. you are in a starbucks with your laptop and you turn on cheat engine. You put up a bypass and start hacking.

    Banning IP = chaos.

    lets just say that you wont be able to log on to MS ever again in that starbucks

  5. Joining hacking will be the biggest mistake of your life (maple life), becuase of courious maple chars that hunt for vac hackers, the new patches, it would be a day or two until you get banned. I wasn’t and will not even be a hacker, but one of my friends (shdowergd) hacked behind a wall while I was afk and I almost got blamed for it.

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