Free Market- The time waster!

Have u ever thought, when u was in a FM, that how much time u spent- to search for the items u need?
I think FMs are very uselful, however they waste ur frigging time to search for the items u need!!!
There r like 15 rooms that ppl use, with about 20 ppl per room- selling all different kinds of items in each one…
Wouldn’t it be great, if u could just go in the FM and have a board that u can click on, and search for the items u need? Instead, of wasting most of ur time on finding them… I no that GMs don’t read these blogs, but its just an idea to get in ur minds when u get in the FMs.

5 thoughts on “Free Market- The time waster!”

  1. I mostly kill monsters and stuff to find quest Items (glass shoe, candles, presents, etc, ), instead of wasting money. But it is usefull for low lvls to find quest items in the FM without killing anything that they can’t. I got a lvl 12 (made it 30min. ago) and he can kill alot of enemies and find items, but it takes along time, and all he got is kumbi ( ).

  2. or like on basilmarket when you go into fm you can set-up a wish list then the minirooms that you click on will be highlighted if they have the item

  3. oh yea, Basilmarket is good, but incase if u’re too lazy to put the auction up lol xD

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