Saturday 16th December 2006
It has been a jolly day for me.
Today, 1Braindead1- my assistant and I have travelled from lands of scotching flames, to freezing mists (in another words, we went from Perion to Happyville <<).
Im celebrating this day, because Im having Christmas tomorrow!
Everyone: CHRISTMAS TOMMOROW?! *Envies and sulks*
Yes, Im having Christmas tomorrow, because my step father is going to the Caribbean, therefore I’m celebrating Christmas before he goes .
Anyways, my puny assistant refused to decorate the tree, because I was such a hero, wielding too much vigilance and heroic deeds for a low classed- assistant like her xD.
Oh yes, I forgot! I levelled to level 50 now! Woohoo!
I got this pimping crusader suit. Look at the screenshots to see more.
1st- Me and 1braindead1
2nd- My new pimping suit xD
3rd- Me going crazy
< (^^<) (>^^)> A Happy Kirby Production
your sad.”
Hehe. . . My bad. I hope you don’t get mad again x_x
FORGIVE ME! _(n**)n o(-_-*o)
Hah, nice screenies. Yea, the level 50 warrior gear is HAWT! I love the ‘lil hat thingy, it’s so. . . Round-ish!
lol, yay! congrats on getting to 50 ^^
Merry Early Christmas
– VanillaPocki –
Thank you for these great compliments! If you go to hiddenstreet, my armour look exactly like the warrior’s
That’s really lucky. XD. Congrats on getting to 50
wow. when i said “mention me in your blog” i didn’t mean it in that way. -_-;
your sad.