Throughout PQs, from Kerning City to Ludi, I’ve seen many people partying with auto clickers (including myself ). Auto clicking makes a unfair advantage of getting in a people. So it is a hack?
I’ve heard many opinions from maplers, about either auto clicking is a hack or not.
Some people say it is a hack, while others say it’s “bot”.
Here’s a answer from a mod from BasilMarket:
A: AC is a bot. Either way, it’s a macro but doesn’t alter the script of the game. Either way, it can still get you banned.”
And according to the TOS (Term of Service), cooperating with a hacker can get you banned.
So if:
ACer= Ban-able player
You party with a ban-able player (cooperation)
You= banned? O_O
I’m sure MANY of US have been partied with a auto clicker before. (Your party leader could lie to you from being a ACer)
If is that so, then YOU, or I would be banned long time ago.
. . .
Or is Wizet letting the fish off the hook?
Share your opinions.
Share my opinion? Hmm ac is good and it gets me in PQ’s. Is that right?
=_= No. It’s not right.
If GMS wanted to ban those with AC, they should have gone to Ludibrium and Kerning PQ Area and ban everyone they see there .
Nearly all PQ Leaders has AC
You party with them[co-operation]
Everyone gets banned. . .
See, this is one of the topics I’m split on, for the parties at least. People using AC should be banned. But if they don’t tell their party members, then the party members should have the right to be interrogated.
Alas, If only Maple were so simple. AC is a bot, and it is wrong, because it gives you an unfair advantage.
Freaking lazy as all get out people, not wanting to click for themselves so they have to use a cheat.
Whenever I PQ, I don’t use the Auto Click. I just take my mouse and start moving my fingers really fast. That usually gets us in, my finger can beat an auto-clicker.
It always goes like this when you’ve in a party.
Someone: Leader you got track?
leader: Yes
Someone: AC?
leader: No.
“Person XXX has left the party”
As you can see, people’s confidence to PQ is highly dependent on AC
i was once a pretty good pq leader without AC. Poeple depend on Ac so if you say you don’t they’ll leave. I once went into a PQ and the leader tricked everyone (he didn’t have AC) but we got in^^twice
Practice with a calculator. =D
A scientific one. Press 1+1=2 then don’t cancel, after the ‘=2’ comes out, press ‘+1’.
Then start a stopwatch and press ‘=’ till the stopwatch stops. =D
ACs. . .
Are. . .
Patched. . .
Even most hackers don’t have them. ;;>.>
There’s no bypass that’s made public yet.
No one knows. . .
Everyone still thinks ACs work. O_O;;
Autoclickers are macros or bots, which means something that does something repeatedly, therefore in this case, clicks a lot of times in a period of time.
Which can get you banned.
But this is hardly possible since Nexon hasn’t imposed clicking logical checks yet.
Now this is what they are checking:
Logical checks for:
jump height
exp rate/per monster kill
map range//character’s attacking range (they didn’t imposed this yet, simply because that will cause too many problems for sins and archers)
item range//range of items taken in by the character (they didn’t imposed this yet, I do not know why)
fall rate//the time a character takes to fall to the ground (of course it’s not simple but w/e)
character jump image that is not close to the ground rate or simply, flying rate
That’s about it.
I would hope that they would soon impose clicking checks and looting checks.
This way, no more auto-looters, and no more ACers.
I think MapleStory would then become a 99.98% legit game.
Are. . .
Patched. . .
Even most hackers don’t have them. ;;>.>
There’s no bypass that’s made public yet.
No one knows. . .
Everyone still thinks ACs work. O_O;;
Autoclickers are macros or bots, which means something that does something repeatedly, therefore in this case, clicks a lot of times in a period of time.
Which can get you banned.
But this is hardly possible since Nexon hasn’t imposed clicking logical checks yet.
Now this is what they are checking:
Logical checks for:
jump height
exp rate/per monster kill
map range//character’s attacking range (they didn’t imposed this yet, simply because that will cause too many problems for sins and archers)
item range//range of items taken in by the character (they didn’t imposed this yet, I do not know why)
fall rate//the time a character takes to fall to the ground (of course it’s not simple but w/e)
character jump image that is not close to the ground rate or simply, flying rate
That’s about it.
I would hope that they would soon impose clicking checks and looting checks.
This way, no more auto-looters, and no more ACers.
I think MapleStory would then become a 99.98% legit game.
Thaaaaat’s right! It’s nice they got more GMs, now they need better hacking checks. I don’t think it’d be so difficult to check for *warrior swings sword* And suddenly a slime on the other side of the map is damaged. Hitting anything out of the range of a maxed keen eyes or blessing of amazon should disconnect you. Simple. It wouldn’t even be much of a hassle! It’d prevent those annoying hacks, and the same goes for looting. Anything outside a certain range is a disconnect. Of course, that’d require a lot of stuff to keep everybody being checked, but hey, hacker free game = lots more users and higher morale. Oh yes, and on a side note, a leader using an AC should be banned. There’s no way to prove or disprove the party knew, so you shouldn’t ban them.
Yeah but you realize the glitches when sins shoot?
Too many errors, Nexon would be over loaded with complaints after a few hours.
Whenever I pq’ed, I use my lappy, since the mouse only moves if you touch the pad. Then I’d drag the pq box over the person/thing I’d have to click on, and just tap my left mouse button all to hell. Beaten so many acers that way.
It depends on the situation
They aren’t robots, after all, so they use their judgement
i’ve seen people banned for acing and if the whole party was “into it” then they get banned
but for example if one person is caught and the others didn’t know or “had no choice” (it is quite difficult to get into a ac-less pq) then they use judgement
GMs arent “hardcore banning machines”
pretty much, they do what they feel like
AC is also considered a hack by some, because its a 3rd party program that directly affects the intended function of the game, giving the ACer an unfair advantage.
AC is surely a bannable offense. Even if the leader doesn’t tell the party, the leader gets a long ban while the rest of the party probably gets 3 day bans. You just shouldn’t party with ACer.
After doing some research, I believe that there may be a few bypassed ACs, but those aren’t as good as the crazy ACs.