Argh, bad news.
I found out the whole adventure comic thingymabob little long some, so I decided to return to making short comics,
not “to be continued” comics.
The reason why is:
Makes adventure comic>comic becomes known in MMO> People wants to read more> author sometimes doesn’t have time> author gets pressured.
Aznknife and EvilStranger gets beaten by a some random lv 1 BrownDog
and so Djinn comes and saves the day!
Justice is serrrved. .
Hey! Where’s my Brist?!
AHAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaa Djien pwned everybody! Wooohooo~ >w< Djien ftw~~~
LOL. Horny dogs. :]
I lob you!<333
And my crown! I PWN J00!
Hurry up and make the next one already! Blog-world has hit a severe drought. . . NO literate blogs to be found ANYWHERE! D;