Aqua Road Unluckys Revenge Part 2


I woke up in the sleepywood hotel.When i woke,my eyes were bluring.But gladly,the bluring faded.

Mandyiro,are you allright?

Me:What just happen?

Kerry:The monster was after you.But it wasnt affected because your a cleric.Your powers are very strong now,problabay strong enoghe to go into the elnath dead mine.But your healing must max.

Me:I dont know what you just said,but i have a bad headake now ><

Me:Ahhhh you’ll be fine.Besides,headakes where off.Lets go to drakes eh?Maby we can get u some drakes blood.You could sell em for some good money.

Me:I have 2 mill.Remember i have a store in the Free Market.Im so rich i bought an esther sheild.

Mandyh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!I want one!!!!!!!!I have a mystic!!!!!!

Kerry:HAHAHAHA i use a bow so no sheild for me.

Me+Mandy:Kerry,your lucky.Were mages and its so hard beacase we have to have sheilds and staffs also wands.

Meh what the heck,you guys want a margarita?

Mandy:Sure but dont you think were a littel young for that?

Me:I make 12 year old margaritas.It taste good.But im not saying the how to make it!

Kerryhhhhhh i see…

I was in the kitchen making the Margaritas.But then a kife flew up charging at me when i was done holding the margaritas.I droped the drinks and Mandy came runing throu the door.But then she noticed unlucky.

Mandy:AHHHHHH Pirotess,its unlucky its him ahhhhhhhhhh.He’s the one making that kife float!!!!!!

Just the i stood up and hit a magic claw onto him.But he doged it.The kife came and….

Yea ino wat ur thinking,nuuuuuuuuuuu i wanna know the next part,wellit is.I have hw so i need to work on that… the pic is a drink i took a pic of em cause i think they look pretty cool


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