“Early CC 06:
There has been many controversies regarding cults in the past. However, the most notorious of these is MMOTales itself. The basis of the “religion” is Maplestory. However, unlike other fully fledged religions such as Basilmarket and Sleepywood, the one’s at MMOTales consistently misinterpret the religious books and the guidance offered by the Wizet (see God, or now known as NEXON). This movement was originally started by someone named “Captain”. He began his teachings in early 2006 and showed his people the sacred art of blogging. Apparently, time’s test had undone his true goals.
Mid CC 06: Battle of le hoxors
Many began to join the movement and attempt to break it apart. At first there was Sephiroth123, Arialialinus, and Guruji. After defeating them all, Guruji was the only survivor left. He began his parade on legalizing haxors, the MapleCrack Pill, anarchy, and plotting the destruction of Wizet Himself (see God/NEXON). Many came and stood against this almighty-being, others resided with him. The one’s who have tried their attempts have failed miserably and can be seen on roadsides selling crack, sniffing crack, or attending poker nights at Lucifer’s Bar & Grill.
However, a tragedy occurred. As more new cult members began to appear to join, Captain returned from his hiatus to check back on the members. This was his undoing. He was met with hundreds upon hundreds of half-ass stories, flame wars, hackers waving their e-penors around, and more stories made from the feces of gorilla droppings. He did not survive. His memorial can be found in the pockets of the Sasquatch. Just ask Impalla on the corner for directions.
Late CC 06: The Rise
Recently, there has been a phenomenon of students from Asia rushing home straight after school to “Post my MMO tale”. It could thus be concluded that MMOTales is indeed gaining popularity across the globe, thanks to the written efforts of MMO Pioneers SilverFx, Indescane, as well as the unnaturally cute smartass Guruji. Of course, the babelicious AliyahRoyal is a magnet who helps increase the boy count (and their IQ) on the site. Stupid hookers these days, but alas it evidently brings more fame to MMOtales.
The Tazzie Talkshow, which is the Pulau Ubin equivalent of the Oprah Winfrey show, lately reported a cult by the name of MMOT (one wonders how they pronounce it) that has taken to prowling the streets along Orchard Road late at night, interrupting making out sessions and coercing the couples to join MMOTales or have their pictures released online. Definitely, this cult has been bringing publicity to MMOTales.
Essare Nadan, the Bishop of MMOTales during World War IX said of his cult, “We dedicate ourselves to bringing individuals with low intellectual capabilities to MMO so that they can be enlightened like us. The world today needs more of the likes of Ezyan and DaMunky instead of the asshats who persist in killing the world with their exceptionally low IQs. Furthermore, making out along Orchard Road is a very stupid idea, unless these people are exhibitionists, and don’t mind getting fined for indecent exposure.”
Well that’s the textbook variant. Here’s mine.
Guru woke up and decided to click another one of those dangerous Google ads. He reached this site when looking for something cheese-related, and rushing all his Brampton friends over. Soon, this place was populated.
Then, the legendary writers were borne, SilverFX, Aaru, and Mipsacri. These 3 were the pioneers of MMOTales, and brought it enough glory to warrant a small link on the corner of Basil Market.
These 3 wrote tales of such epic proportions I can’t even remember them all. They captivated us newcomers, made us want to stay. I personally was brought in by Silver’s awesome Aurora’s Redemption tale.
There, tragedy struck. AA certain individual who shall not be named (due to stupidity of forgetting his name), stole Aaru’s finest work and sold it to a writer company. They bought him out, leaving Aaru’s stories under copyright.
Then, the RP. A role-playing forum, called Khaini RP, was the next biggest hit, with celebrities like Ezyan and Gujju posting and writing. Then another tragedy, and another half-tard posted PRON on the forum, causing the God (Cap’t) to close down the forum.
One named fpooned (The NINJA) appeared, answering all questions in his blog BEFORE they were posted, making his blog the MOST VIEWED AND MOST FAVOURITED of all time. He became like a second god.
Then the link. The dreadful, yellow-encrusted link this holy site was placed on Basil Market.
Turmoil ensued. Flamers, spammers, almost every kind of internet nub that could be named infested teh site. Many pioneers left after this event, unfortunately, fearing MMOTales, was lost forever. The remaining few decided to take action, forced all spammers to shut it equipping anti-flame shields.
Then Mipsacri rose as the first (And ONLY moderator of MMOTales), soon calm was brought back.
Soon, the site filled again with posters immune to Engrish, such as saph, MasterCheezy, Annikabelle, and others, forgive me if you were not named. All was prosperous. The Paper Hell RP (Previously Khaini RP) even opened up again, and Aurora’s Redemption was in full swing (including bonus chapters, by moi, check my MMOiD).
Debates were brought up over the usage of the ‘I like this’ buttons, lasted for a long time, but they stayed.
And then, the Profil3 link. Ugh. A small, beige link right at the header of our site that our God made. Cap’t encouraged us to join the site, however, it was found to be teeming with spammers in less then 3 days. We had tried to make a guild, but we were eventually crushed. Angry and frustrated, we demanded that he remove the link at once. It was a chapter in our lives that will not be read again.
All well again, excluding hot debates over nothing from the Ninja and sirsolo, a smart talker and avid debater.
As of then, the Paper Hell RP had been moved to a serperate website and many pioneers are still gone.
Then, the depression. About a few months ago. Everyone just left.
I will list many who I can remember to be sacred to this site’s founding.
Co-Founder, basically.
A soft girl that The Ninja madly loved. Very talented in, different things.
A hot, boy-attracting girl who startled us with her funny and addicting blogs.
Under mental treatment. Amazing writer, funny all around.
Otherwise known as Sneha, a sweet blogger with VERY long blogs. Featured in love scenes. Loved madly by Pirkid.
One of the best writers in the world. Her stories captivated us ’til the very end.
A frequent leaver of the site who always came back to us with sad scrolling adventures.
The Maple love (and school) blogger. Had lots of friends.
An amazing writer, but could never stick to one series.
A popular person who surprising didn’t write much.
Amazing archiver, best known for the MMO’s Finest forum he created. Also creator of a lot of cool videos, whic h I forgot about.
The Ninja. The god, The most popular guy on this website. Had a Ladyfriend who he would never reveal.
The wolf in the banner.
Funny guy. You can tell by his name. Also an AMAZING drawer.
A popular writer who based everything he had on waffles. Great guy, founded the SWDA. (Severe Waffle Deficiency Asylum)
The best comic maker thus far. Has 5 pages of comics. Also ‘I liked’ everyone’s blog.
Wrote a lot, played a lot, very wise. Also popular.
Steel-Whip-Mip, as we call her. a tough cookie, also the only mod on MMOTales.
Would often make reference to green. Dunno. Frequent poster.
Him and his Conker games.
Very popular, great poster, not many blogs.
He had so many friends…Great guy in person, good Rp-er.
She was a huge hit. She was everywhere, loved by everyone. Almost made a mod.
Old MMO-er, great GUY, gone now, wonder where. I miss him.
2nd comic maker. Ganzie is first, but it’s so close. Had a lot of friends.
I love this guy, we always had a good laugh together. Featured in a love story.
There’s so many more, but it’s 1 am here and I’m beat.
Who am I?
I am known as Pirkid, or Pir, Pirkiiee (By Ani), Falerix, Lemons (By Ani), Dino, and other things.
EDIT: Oh, apparently I’m PIRKICHIP nao. Sweet beans.
I resided here near the birth of this site. I left during depression, about a few months ago, when there was nobody left. I am in love with Gujju, an avid blogger and love-story writer, a RP writer, and somewhat popular.
I am returning. I say Hello to everyone here that I know and that know me, and I say HIYYAS! to anyone I don’t know.
I might be starting another series, but for now I’ll just post around and learn what’s going down nowadays.
I’m sure you’re all like, what the heck?! ‘ho this guy lolz com her act lyke popularr lyke you sucs’. I say, concrete lemon to you.
I’m back.
Let me know how this place is going right now.
First like & comment
-finishes reading-
And I still would’ve been first like & comment? What’s WRONG with you people?!
And Darkwar4ever is male.
And I’m sapphire.
And the first RP wasn’t Paper Hell. It was something else, something about Khaini, but I was on a hiatus so I didn’t get to see it XD
The Khaini RP, nothing els, I think.
Changing. Any other help is appreciated.
And you may want to put a quotation mark at the beginning? Since you use it at the end of the “textbook variant”.
Ah, this is truly a good compilation on how the site started, did its thing, and ended up as it did today. Well, let me explain a few things:
1. NobodyNight made a bunch of blogs that interviewed MMOTalers. The series was called KLON, and it was well-known the few months it went on. I dunno where Alex (NobodyNight) went off to however.
2. Jesus (yes, some religious controversy occured over his name) made a “Kick or Hug?” forum which became the most-commented-on forum in MMOT history (I believe). Some of the older game forums are kinda innactive. However, enough randomness in all the threads nowdays keep things entertaining.
3. Dest tricked us all as Muffin and Quang13 tricked us all as Quack. Dest is also an account hoar.
4. ShiningWings and FunnyFroggy (who I thought was Dest; maybe not so much anymore) became VERY frequent commenters. Along with Sapphy (aka RussetAure/PotatuAure and ShininWings) and Dest, this place was like, totally out of hand with craziness.
5. Ganzicus made a whole bunch of comics as usual. BlackNazgul’s latest series, Lost in the Shadows, picked up a lot of popularity. SilverFx and AznRiceFan still continue with their fanfics. I never got on the loving-them bandwagon however. =/
6. Familiar faces that stuck around/returned are: Waffle, Gujju, Imppalla, you, Sapphy, Vicelin, and Fenrir. Many semi-recognizable faces popped up every now and then, but I don’t think any of them stuck around for good. Also, a lot of the oldies are scarcely here anymore (Tarheel, Annikabelle, Grimno, Darkwar4ever, Aliyah, Roisin).
7. Tarheel91 and I had a nice debate going on in a thread about SSBB outselling Halo 3 thread. Good times.
That’s about all I can think of now. It’s been kinda so-so around here. PEOPLE JUST WON’T STAY, FRICKIN’ DANG IT!
And you’ve always been Pirkichip! I called you that every now and then when you were here. I might’ve changed it a bit, but that’s what it basically was. :D
Interesting. VERY interesting.
I remember you
but you don’t remember me! T.T
Gee, I haven’t done anything on this site!
I gotta come up with something!
Welcome back!
-pulls out old account and gives it the frontpage like-
Oh wait, that would be double-liking which is taking advantage of multiple accounts.
-gives honorary like-
Hm. I never really left the site, even if there was a period this time last year when i didn’t comment or post on the forums, I was basically just reading without leaving any comments/traces/dead bodies. Too tired from National Slavery, i guess. Gujju still pops in from time to time =P.
And o.O at the “surprisingly didn’t write much”. I’ll try to rectify that, if I can.
Some guy from ANOTHER CONTINENT actually knows a place called Pulau Ubin!?
Welcome back, Pirkid. :D
Umm, hello.
Umm. . .
-scurries off-
He ripped it off from Uncyclopedia, Fenny. >>; Thusly, the textbook version.
And mind you, the original trio of writers were JesusFreak (whose MMOid got wiped), Aaru and Mip. I was just a little newbie scribbling little scribbles back then; I was no part of the original fanfic craze. But hey, glad I made you stick around
Welcome back. *gives you a muffin*
Wel wel wel wel welcome back
Welcome back Pirk! I remember you, even if you don’t know me
-=The Nazgul=-
Of course~ One cannot stay here until eternity. One gets sick and tired. :[
I’m still around. . . just not as much. Good blog. :]
~~~What about my videos hm? You just went and ignored them! D<~~~
Oh, and Dark’s videos.
I’ll add it.
Hello hello! Long time no post! Hehe. 
Welcome back. And this blog made me laugh. Funny stuff.
I was on Maplestory and Aaron was like “YOU SHOULD GO READ PRIKID’S BLAWG!” and I’m glad I did
wazzap Pirkid, tis be Dest1 :p
There we go. Muffin is my alternate account I play on.
I deny all charges D:”
-presses more charges-“
*flicks out pocketknife and stabs R’Aure in the brain*
*walks away, whistling*
No more charges, whee~”
B-but… I’m too awesome to stab
I deny all charges D:”
-presses more charges-“
*flicks out pocketknife and stabs R’Aure in the brain*
*walks away, whistling*
No more charges, whee~”
B-but… I’m too awesome to stab
*stares incredulously at dented titanium knife*
*hysterical laughter*
Welcome back.
wow this blog is epic!
u must be epic as well!
can i have your autograph? D:
[haha itll be worth MILLIONS in a coupla years! ill be RICH! RICH!]
Hiya Mip.
And how am I supposed to give you my siggy? You must come to my house.
I have cookies,
Ahah i was reading the MMOT page on uncyclopedia and read over your bio and i was sure you left FOREVUURR.
Hi. =) Welcome back.
What about Jesusfreak? D:
I loved him ._.