Story of Oak Chap. 2: The Beginning

Chap. 1: link
Oakstory Explanation: link

Darkness. Pain. A comfy bed?
Ishuno woke up. Sharp lights poked at his eyes, and he closed them again. Various voices sounded around him, not noticing. Slowly, he opened his eyes again. He was in some room, weird medical instruments laying on top of cabinets.
‘Must be some hospital.’
He got up. His armor lay at the foot of his bed, the orange nun-chucks on top. His great grand-father, the first Monk of Oakstory, had given him those. He was expected to live up to the name, and he blew all in one stroke.
*sigh* ‘Why didn’t I die?’
Suddenly, a window crash came from outside the door of his room.

Falerix didn’t stop staring at her eyes. Beautiful eyes…
The potion mix on the floor slid to his foot, soaking his sandal. His axe, touching the girl’s bow, glinted as sunlight passed through the above window. An arrow was held in the other hand, halfway to her bow. She was very pretty. Light reflected on her face, making a painting. Her eye said confidence.
He stepped down, bring back his axe and allowing her to load her arrow. She stood there, a red bow in one hand, a brownish bow in the other.

“You don’t look like an assailant.” he said.

“You do.” she retorted.

He looked down. Beige dust particles clung to his shirt and pants, his sandels wet. He looked like a hobo.

“Who are you? Why did you barge in my store?”

She blew a lock of hair away from her eyes. “Running away from that random explosion. What did you think?”

Tough. Falerix liked that in a girl.

‘At least he wasn’t a pervert. Who ever heard of boys serving tea?’
She looked around the house. No windows, no stairs. Barely a door; more of a rock.
Falerix came back with two slices of pizza. He put it on the table, and stretched back in his chair.

“So, Elizabeth is it? You got any family? Friends?” He asked.

“More dead weight then family. You?”

“Well, I’ve got a younger sis…”

As if on cue, the door broke down and a girl came screaming into the room.

“FALERIXY! YOU OK?” she yelled.

“Introducing, Emily.” Falerix sighed.

Elizabeth giggled. “She’s cute.”

He looks cute when he’s unconscious. She rushed though the infirmary, people staring at her as she passed.
‘With a boy on your back, who wouldn’t?’
After getting a doctor, she lay him on a stretcher in a hospital room. He arms flopped over the side.
“What happened? That explosion?” the doctor asked, pushing up his glasses.
“Yep. I caught him as he flew backwards. I tried to heal his major wounds, but it’s still serious.”
“Good. Lucky your a Paladin. We’ll help him as much as we can.”
As she walked towards the door, she noticed a glint of light reflecting off his neck. Looking closer she read *Ishuno* off a pendent.
She smiled, and exited the white room.

As she made her way through the blind archer and the cleric with amnesia, she heard a window crash down the hall. A bandit ran down towards her, and Ishuno’s room, dagger in hand.

“Move!” he yelled down the wide corridor. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

Calmly she pulled out her spear from the depths of her coat.

“Bring it on.”

Next chapter:
Chap. 3: Battle of Healing.


4 thoughts on “Story of Oak Chap. 2: The Beginning”

  1. Keep on the fun writing!
    Read my blogs tooo.But i think is sucks,read maple adventuresch.1,2,3,4,5
    and maple days 1&2 also read runscape fight!

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