I can Fly!

Glorious times.

I keep tapping the F2 key while my neighbor kills the Plants of Doom. The little blue bar under my now-useless FP bar, (which is neon green for some reason), continues to rise.

*Heal, Patience, Mental something*
*Heal, Patience, Mental Strain/Thought/something* Someone tell me the name, I don’t pay attention very well.

Finally, after hours of grueling work and sweat and tears and experience death boxes, the heavenly blue light encircles me, the number beside my name changes to 20.
I scare my mom by shouting out in joy. <.<

I can fly!
Then my neighbour tells me I have to do a quest to fly.


So I chat with the Station girl, she tells me to go to Saintwood. Wha?
She gives me a Blinkwing (They look like frozen butterflies), a curved head of a MAGIC BROOM, and says bye.
The red circles surround me and I end up in this strange Christian town called Saintwood.

There is a ramp up ahead. My friend tells me the next station girl/person/thing-of-my-imagination is up there.
More sweat, tears, and work. Luckily there were no monsters of I would have . . .

Anyways, I talk to the next person. She looks exactly like the first girl. (Dam clones.)
More killing, talking, she gives me a stick.

I later learn that the stick is the body of my non-existent broom and I will have to sit on it soon. -.-

Back and forwards I go, the Blinkwings mocking me as I use them. Finally, the old magic person gives me a duster, which is supposedly the head of my broom. (Dam stereotypes.)

I put the 3 together, and a magic broom appears in my inventory wondow. I put it on F5 and try it.

*crashes into airship*

Turn around, God damit!

*crashes into floating sign*


Anyways, I’m happy that I can finally catch up to my level 22 friend, and that the powers of Gravity no longer effects me. Now all I need is Resurrection, a pointed hat and a lightning-shaped scar and I’m set.



P.S Oh yea, I reliased that I could buy a surfboard. It flies too. >.>
P.S.S Surfing in the air!

15 thoughts on “I can Fly!”

  1. (Dramatic sunset scene)
    Narrator: “And so that day ended. . .”
    Narrator: ” Pirkid learned to fly.”

  2. Aw, i wanted to fly, but no doubt that ill crash soon enough, or sell the items by accident

  3. cookiesNpie said: “Aw, i wanted to fly, but no doubt that ill crash soon enough, or sell the items by accident”

    Ha, ha! Good one cookiesNpie!
    I’m about to fly soon, only a few more quests to do! >.<
    I’ll be SO happy then! I wont haft to fight Bang’s at level 16 BY MYSELF any more. ^_^
    Happy Flight days! ^o^

    – Little preacher man.

  4. pirkid said: “*Heal, Patience, Mental Strain/Thought/something* Someone tell me the name, I don’t pay attention very well.”

    “WHAT IS…Mental Strike?!?!?”

    Lol, FlyFF is fun with flying xD

  5. Heal, Patience, Mental Sign? I think?

    Flying is fun. I’m willing to bet 90% of the FlyFFites use boards, but I’m one of few males I’ve seen with brooms. They’re classic, man!

  6. Mental Sign is what you’re thinking of. Mental Strike is a mage spell.

    By the way, you don’t have to do that quest to fly. Once you’re level 20, just buy a broom or board and you can fly. The quest is only so you can get a free broom (which isn’t very fast). It’s easier to save your penya and buy one. (^__^)b congrats on being able to fly!

  7. Gratz on level 20. I might have to start playing this FlyFF soon. It seems to be “all the rage” now or whatever you hip-young kids call it nowadays.

    ~Cheezy (the one who needs to catch up on times)

  8. Is it easy to level in FlyFF? Also, what’s the battle system like?
    I could find these out for myself, but I’ll let you guys do it this time. Make yourself useful 😉


  9. sapphire8 said: “How the heck are you level 20? You started when I was level 8, and now I’m level 10. .


    I tried REALLY hard. My friend/neighbour was already 20, we started at the same time. Naturally, I would want to beat him. Once I became 15, I partied through. Assists are highly needed in parties.

    It’s fairly easy to level, especially with the feature of experience boxes. If you die and choose to go back to town or the fountain of choice, a box is left behind. (You can also get Resurrected by an Assist.) You go back to your experience box, and click it. Wait for about 10 seconds, and 90% of the experience lost is returned to you.

    Battle system, it’s like Runescape. Much more graphically appealing, though.

    Come to Glaphen, Guj. I’ll help you.


  10. nightstarr said: “your talking about flyff right?”

    You can tell by looking up and seeing it says “FlyFF Good Experience”.



    Yeah. That.

    And actually, you can fly even before you do the quest; I got my flying lesson right after I leveled up. You just have to be level 20 and in possession of a board/broom. 😉

    And boards are so way cooler.

  12. Congrats on level 20 :]

    You know though, you don’t really have to do the quest. xD
    Just grab a ride and go, go, go! :]

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