PirateJing’s “Windia’s Monster Cookout”

On June 15th, 2007, the GMs promised that they would summon monsters throughout all of the towns in MapleStory. Having access to a few characters that belonged to my friends, I hopped on and recorded everything I could.. This by far has been one of the most enjoyable events I’ve ever participated in.

So yeah, I think this is one of my best videos I’ve made. I regret that I lagged so badly though. ;[
Anyways, as for my level 100 party, it shall be on Monday afternoon, but still unsure about the time. I suggest you all make characters in Windia just for that day only. x]
We will be featuring our level up in Lith Harbor with specials that’ll level us up. x]
Make sure you come and take pictures. :]

11 thoughts on “PirateJing’s “Windia’s Monster Cookout””

  1. Bandits. . . Ksing machines. . . T_T. I can’t get the map when they’re there.

    But anyway, enuff of whining. Nice vid!

  2. =O Level at like 5 PM PST on Monday xO I need to get back from school! [I have school until like wednesday =( ]
    And I missed out on Monster Cookout because I had SCHOOL! [stabs school] STUPID SCHOOL YOU’RE RUINING MY MAPLE LIFE -sits in corner and cries-

  3. Bwahahaha, for a movie made with Windows Movie Maker. . . it rocked! =D

    However, you being a CB and not a hermit shows. . . The damage throughout the video was impressing though.
    Windia?. . . Monday eh, I might go. =]

  4. ZOMG I SAW my Friend ^.^
    HE’s the one with the Nohawk abd the funky glasses and the skis, (his name is XilPil)His guild is Punk(Spam him till he drops dead > : )
    Anyways go Pirates and go Windia

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