———–1=======================> top 5 worst things
1. naked but strong ppl
2. ppl shouting………yay i suck
3. noobs getting on thier knees…begging for a guild or a trainer
4. leveling up takes so long
5. hackers throwing monsters at u
————————————2======================> top 5 best things about maple story
1. raising ur fame
2. getting married
3. hitting on chicks that are already dating ppl weaker than u
4. getting a job.
5.making guilds
———————————–3===========================> top 5 most suprising things
1. finding TIGER (for those who dont know….tiger is the strongest player in maple story…..lv 175+)
2. new monsters
3. new worlds to discover
4. meeting new ppl
5. killing a strong monster….that will boost ur exp x10
Don’t forget the jerks.
———–1=======================> top 5 worst things
1. Nexon Buyout of Wizet
2. stupid noobs
3. arseholes who KS and harrass you
4. Crap levelling system
5. hard time lookin for an empty channel at a higher level
6. Gachapon
————————————2======================> top 5 best things about maple story
1. The buddy system
2. The chat system
3. Owning noobs
4. Customisability
5. The Emotions on your characters
What Ganz said. Put that on your list! >:o
Hey Snape, that’s Guru not me D<
Tiger ain’t the strongest.
MrYanDao is.
Level 200.
SEA rulz z0mg h4hrha.
Guru, you have six things on your first ‘Top 5’ list. o.o
Guru, maybe delete off the last one?
Holy, o_o I could’ve sworn you posted that, o.o”
MrYanDao is.
Level 200.
SEA rulz z0mg h4hrha.”
I was about to say that .