To Orbis and back!

I didn’t get to play until late yesterday, and my sister took the good computer, meaning I had to play on the laptop, which can barely run it at all. D: That meant I couldn’t keep training on teddies in Ludibrium because the lagg was tremendous. x-x

So I took the boat to Orbis with my friend, who was going hunting on some monsters for an equip she wanted. We trekked up there and eventually discovered that I missed constantly, and she missed every few shots and decided it wasn’t worth it.

We ended up going back down and stopping at.. Jr. Lionels? There were orange and purple little kitten-type monsters, I think the purple ones might be Cellions, but I’m not sure. -.o

In the first 5 minutes we were there, my friend got a Black Amoria Top drop. D *jealous*

After not long we just caught the ship back to Ludibrium, so I can keep levelling there when I get home. I wonder if the Cellions/Lionels are better for levelling…?


No pictures right now. :[ I’m at school.

4 thoughts on “To Orbis and back!”

  1. Aha, thank you. ;D Jr Lionels and Jr Grupins then, I think.

    ;O Nah, she was working on an assignment. IT’S DONE NOW, YAY, I CAN PLAY AGAIN. ;D

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