
Anyone heard of or played hackerstory? ITs a weird an idiotic game but in a way still weird… Just felt like I’d introduce V.5 to you guys. I am a legit. Its a game to show you how boring hacking is! I didn’t make it !


15 thoughts on “Hackerstory?”

  1. Hacking enables you to level faster. Hence the point of this game. To show you how hacking feels like without actually hacking =D

  2. I thought it was about as slow as the original. X:
    I mean, I’d rather run around and whack ‘shrooms then wait for GMs to come hunt me down. *rolls eyes*

  3. I think people just copy off the original one, and the mod it so the ExP rate goes faster.

    Darn copyright-breakers.

  4. Stickmen humour is really awesome.

    The fact that they hacker is just a stickman waving about is what makes me like this game. =D

  5. Actually there is a GM hack!=D =D You have to click Cash shop and click the thing that costs 4000 mesos.

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