Well right now I’m stumped on a– WAIT! I know what your thinking… (Wow what a non-maplestory topic) so I will add some maple-related things… but first!
I need help making a comic on my comp. =( Its for a class project and we’re making a newspaper, but I’m making the comic. =D So any advice?
And during mapling… it got really boring so I’ve decided to quit and go back to Counter-Strike. =(
Anyone? =(
Use BannedStory?
=O Not a maple comic sorry.
Use BannedSto- Wait, not a maple comic?
Can’t help you then
Paper and pencil? Then upload it?
Stick people!
Forum this pl0x. This is what Fenrir might say. And i agree with MastahCheezee.
I might say that but I wouldn’t!
I don’t think this should be forumed Zhlon.

read my blog.
It will tell you the answer, very sexily.