
So today I got hacked, and lost all of my items. It was bout 20mil worth of items (I was saving up for an Asianic, because they are so rare in windia, i didnt know how much to save up). I am now stuck with nothing. I am a sin in scania, so if anyone would like to help me out by giving me some stars, i’d appreciated.

EDIT: My sin wasn’t hacked, My BOWMEN WAS, level 56 in windia. I started this sin because of being hacked. I dont see the point of playing it again, after it got hacked.

9 thoughts on “Scammed”

  1. omgoshers. im srry i dont play in scania ><” i hate it when u get hacked! my lvl 40 sin got hacked, in broa, no stuf, T-T

  2. That sucks, man. Sorry, but I don’t have any stars, nor do I play in Scania.

    Edit: How can you have 20 mil worth of stuff when you’re only lvl 17?! Are you lying?

  3. i play scania so if you need anyhting my name is sellsword but remind em about mmotales because i will probably forget about it lol. (your character on your id is only lvl 17?)

  4. How can a lvl 18 (I checked the mapleglobal rankings) have 20 mil, or even 20k worth of items. I see lots of people your level that are as poor as you, because they spend their time begging while others steal your drops. I recently made my first character in Broa as an expirement. It’s as sin, and at lvl 21, I have a +7 meba, an adamantium igor, the full lvl 20 set, and the full lvl 25 set. I have wolbis (I sold my 2 sets of kumbis to get the +7 meba). You’re story could be made up, and you might be just trying to get free stars and money.

  5. You know whats funny? The fact that the only people that get hacked go to hack sites. No sympathy for j00.

  6. Many people have been hacked before. Yet, they don’t whine or cry about it. All they have to do is pick up from what happened and begin anew. Just think of it like you just started Maple and you have this level 2x “Beginner,” which in my opinion is way better than a lvl 1 Beginner. So hang in there, and suck it up ’cause you got Jane and the Wild Boar quest coming up. You might get lucky.

  7. FinalKenshin said: “How can a lvl 18 (I checked the mapleglobal rankings) have 20 mil, or even 20k worth of items. I see lots of people your level that are as poor as you, because they spend their time begging while others steal your drops. I recently made my first character in Broa as an expirement. It’s as sin, and at lvl 21, I have a +7 meba, an adamantium igor, the full lvl 20 set, and the full lvl 25 set. I have wolbis (I sold my 2 sets of kumbis to get the +7 meba). You’re story could be made up, and you might be just trying to get free stars and money.”

    umm yeah, this wasnt the guy that got hacked, i started this sin BECAUSE i got hacked. The guy that got hacked is oxtruongxo, search him. He’s level 56 AB Bowmen(kinda messed up on sp) sry about the confusion guys

  8. do you think a level 17 would even know this much about maplestory to make this up -_-. seriously i’ve never heard a beginner level 17 say “sin”. And i can even tell you the items that were hacked, that add up to about 20mil

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