Scammers of MapleStory

Hai ppl =D. I’m new here so excuse my short blog >.>. Well my first blog (rant) will be about one of Maple’s major problems: scammers. Although they don’t pose to be a big threat to high levels and experienced Maplers, they are still quite annoying at times. Some noob scammer actually tried to scam my level 41 main in Windia (which I don’t play anymore). I mean WTH? Are scammers that dumb or are they running out of people to scam from? Today a noob tried to scam my level 21 as well (me playing with him at the screeny). Btw, does anyone know what kind of scam that is o.0. I think the noob just vacs the equip when i drop it or something >.>. GMs really need to perma-ban scammers’ account as well as hackers’. Well, that ends my first blog =P. Trying really hard to have perfect spelling and grammer lol =.=.

P.S. how do you insert smilies o.0

15 thoughts on “Scammers of MapleStory”

  1. I just ignore the scammers. Thus, my breath is not wasted on the likes of them. But I agree with you. It seems the GMs are being more strict with the word filter than they are with the REAL problems.

  2. Welcome to MMOTales~
    Capitalize, punctuate, grammar check yourself, don’t do too many acronyms, and spell correctly. I know someone here in this site will tell you one day. Not that I’m perfect =) [-cough- far from it -cough-] Anyways, scammers are a nuisance, usually I want to beat a nail into their head by method of putting them upside down and hitting their head on the floor. Don’t worry, most scammers are just like script kiddies. We just call them hackers because their hacking, but most hackers are script kiddies because they take it off of a site. Scammers just learn how to scam by other scammers, and thus, now most scammers are. . stupid and illogical. Oh yeah, they also contradict themselves so much, it’s hilarious.

  3. lol well i just drop something random and then he either hacks it or someone logs in and takes it
    then i just laugh

  4. First things first. . .um. . welcome to MMOtales.
    And yes, Scammers do perform as a major threat in Maplestory. You just need to pay close attention as to whut they’re saying, or their actions.
    @Allen: That’s probably the best idea ebaaar

  5. Ooh effort and attempt at perfect spelling

    we have a winner here


    we’re not attracting more dumbass Basilers


    In relevance to your blog: Scammers are stupid most of the time

    don’t underestimate them

    i’ve heard of some pretty ingenious scams

    ones i didn’t expect any mapler to come up with

  6. Welcome to MMO

    My Name is Alex or Nobody or Night or whatever you want to call me!
    (except Pansy man I will not tolerate being called pansy man)
    I may interview you some day so keep an eye out for my PM

  7. Lol, Nobody! You’re nobody! Hehehe lol! That was simply hilarious and sounds stupid!

    Hi, I’m your resident writer here and a werewolf
    Who am I? Fenazgul?

    Lol, know I’m a lazy kid who is really just not too cool and I like pie!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  8. Hello~ and welcome to MMOTales.

    I am the FirstKnight, or as everybody calls me, Glac. Glac is the nickname for Glacier. Yes, Glacier. I sank the Titanic, you know. Those poor people, Nah I’m kidding. If I was that glacier I would’ve grabbed the Titanic and brought it back up. :3

    Pretty good first blog you have there! Yeah, embarrassed to say this, but I also got scammed, but that was like when I was level 12, before FM’s were out. Walking around in Perion, I see this guy buying ores. I trade him, shows all my ores. He told me to press “tab tab space enter” for a surprise, and since it was my first time, I actually fell for it. All my ores, gone! Well, I learned my lesson there.

  9. That scam’s pretty common. When you drop your item, there’s another person to loot it, I think. I fell for a scam once. When guilds were new and everyone was charging entrance fees, some arse came and made to pay him 100k to join, but kicked me immediately. Why I wanted to join his guild, I have no idea. >_>

    And welcome to MMOTales! Enjoy your stay, continue being as literate as possible, and you should have fun here~

  10. Ditto what everybody said before. Lulzorz ~~~

    Andand. Some guy stole my Soul Singer, back when I still played my. . . -thinks- level. . . twentysomething archer? Anyways, I quit my archer later ’cause it was so screwed and made a mage instead. But that’s ’nuff ’bout me. See you around~

    PS What server do you play in?

  11. WELCOME TO MMOTALES! wowza waffle likes you!

    i wonder when pancake will make an entrance

    heyw hat serve do you play?

    id also consier filling out your MMOID so everyone can see what chars you have and where =))

    BE MY FRIEND! OR DIE! -waves sword around-


  12. lol i wouldve fell for the tab tab scam if i hadnt searched up maplestory on and read the scam section . anyways i play in broa for whose who wants add me =D

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