Unbreakable love part 6

Before you all ask what happened to Neo. Wel lets just say he lost his mind
Hope you enjoy reading


Neo’s VIEW

As i opened my eyes again. I felt beter the pain was gone a bit and the girl was still hunting. I decided to make her a meal. Then a flash popped in my mind saying. “Cindy learned you that so you still feel her.” Then it vanished. I decided not to waste time on it and i looked what food there was. So i started with some meat and some sausages.
When i was done it looked pretty much sh*t. I was hoping she wouldn’t mind that. About 5min later i heard rumble on the door. The pretty girl stepped inside. Alot of scares on her arms she was cold and shaking. “I made you something to eat.” As i said it. She rushed towards the pan i made it in looked in it and said. “Well i doesn’t look like food but cause am so hungry il eat anything.

While eating i tried to start a conversation with her. “So whats your name.” She blushed and said. “Claire.” I looked at my food. Really if it wasn’t my own food i cooked i would have Thrown it into the garbage can. “So did you find your sparta.” “No not yet i guess.” I was finished eating still weak i yawed and got into bed again. The next morning i felt a shadow on me. Quickly opening my eyes a saw Claire standing infront of me. “So about that uuh well you said you where thinking of me.” The things that came next really went fast believe me. “Yeah i uuh wel.”
She bended coming ever closer to me. Then that voice came again echoing my mind. “You love someone else.” But the part that said this was far outnumbered now. She was now very close as i felt my heart rage I felt her breath. It was cold but it didn’t matter. Then i felt her cold lips though mine. I then felt her cold hand behind my neck as she layed ontop of me. But now my mind was winning i had to get back to senses before wel you know.
“Claire i dont think this is such a good idea. She let me go as she get of on me. “Sorry i think i let myself go.”

I said i would go hunt. I Thought about finding her a beauty of a Sparta then she would ever love me. But it didn’t felt like i thought i would. Her love was cold something didn’t seem right. But why didn’t my mind stop it. As i arrived at Yeti & Pepe. It was cold. There was nothing exept a Yeti and Pepe walking through the landscape. The pepe was waving with with…… A Sparta. Now 50% of my mind said. “This is al set up love someone wants you to love her.” But still i refused to do anything about it. I charged at the Yeti & Pepe with full speed launching numerous double shots. Sone The separated from eachother and i killed them easily. I picked up the Sparta it was beautiful. I walked back proud of what i just found. Then something popped up my mind again. “You dont love her you love someone else.” This whisper kept me busy until i bumped into the back of the house. I heard some noise then the door opened. “Your back fast.” “Wow you got my Sparta tnx.” I was stunned and said “Your Sparta?” Now i knew for sure this was set up. As sone as i thought that something sharp hitted me from the back. Fainting me once more

I felt on a grassland scratching my head. I was in a strange place i knew i had been here before. I walked towards the river. I rememberd it to dry out. But this time i had no complain to. I mean why should i waste my time with a lake. Its not worth anything. As sone as i thought that the water turned red. I walked closer to it and saw a heart in it like a reflection. Then i heard a scream. And i woke up again.


Cindy’s VIEW

Then i felt it again. This time it was harder the pain was terrible. Saying inside myself “Where are you Neo i need you.” I deiced to walk to shiny maby she would know more. As a approached her house i saw kissing Traus. I looked for a seconde and laughed a bit to hard. “Why is everyone interrupting me.” she said with a bit of anger but also a bit of laugh. “Am looking for Neo have you seen him.” “No did you use the communicator.” Shiny replied “Yes but hes not calling in hes somewhere in el nath.” “Well what are we waiting for lets go.” Seeing Traus his desire to go there i would not want to say no.

Well thats it for now ooh and the screenie is edited i hate it when those yetis & pepes hit me 1.2k damage so i just made this lol.

7 thoughts on “Unbreakable love part 6”

  1. As it is with most writing posted here, I just don’t feel it. The lack of good spacing makes dialogue a bit awkward, and it sounds a little rushed, too. And I doubt there is anything but artificial attempts at love expressed in here.

    Just to clarify Guruji’s point: love isn’t a word you tack on to stuff. It’s something that you have to understand, and it takes on a life of its own. Those who don’t know love won’t understand romance stories, nor will they be able to write about it very accurately.

  2. ooh wel that may explain why am not the best at this >.> next time it will be a warrior story

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